I Can Hear a Rainbow Spoilers  

The following are transcripts and videos for the quest I Can Hear a Rainbow.

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  • Joker

Act 1: House of the Hero, Windurst Walls

Joker: ...You...

Joker: You Are The One. I Have Been Waiting. The Carbuncle's Ruby You Carry... Incredible Force Remains Sealed Within That Gem. Gem Holds Power To Change Life From Within. It is Calling You.

Joker: Close Eyes And Open Heart. Do Not Fear Voices. Accept and Become One With Them.

Mysterious voice: Seek and gather... ...the seven colors... ...that cover the sky... ...and embrace the earth...

Joker: Could You Hear? You Must Fulfill Its Wish. When You Do, You Will See True Vana'diel... That Is When You Will Realize That You Are...

Joker: ...The Key...

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2010-01-16 19:54:25.