Magical Salvaging (WAR Profession)  

Warhammer Online
Magical Salvaging

  • Breaks down magic items into component parts.
  • There are 3 types of magical fragments: crystals, essences and orbs. These fragments will have magical bonuses on them, such as +willpower, or +strength. When the item produces more than one type of bonus the player gets to choose which one they want.
  • Fragments are mainly used for Talisman Making
  • Magical Salvaging is learned from a Hedge Wizard

  • When Salvaging an item, such as a piece of armor, you will be asked what type of fragment you would like to attempt to salvage. The list of available fragments will be based on the stat bonuses present on the item. So, you cannot get an Intelligence fragment from an item unless that item has a bonus to Intelligence.
  • Orbs can be Whispers, Echoes or Essences. 10 whispers can be combined into an Echo by right-clicking on the stack in your inventory. 5 Echoes can be made into an Essence the same way.
    • Orbs by Tier
      1. Silent (Min. Skill to use: 1)
      2. Dormant (Min. Skill to use: 25)
      3. Subdued (Min. Skill to use: 50)

This page last modified 2008-12-17 13:50:56.