In the Lounge (large room in the center of the Research Colony) you will find Exchange, Mail and Bank Access Stations.
The real business of Memory Alpha is Anomalous Data. Credits will not help you here. The currency of Science is information. In your journeys you will find Energy, Physical, and Technological Data Samples. Bring the scans to Memory Alpha and the scientists here will reward your diligence with special gear and upgrades to your equipment.
Getting the scientists here to set aside their pet projects to look at your terribly important mysterious anomaly, however, is going to be difficult. Basically, they work on a referral system. Each scientist looks up to one of the others and will not help you until their trusted colleague asks them to. To get their referral you will need to do things for them.
When you have unlocked a Scientist they will offer to "Sell" you many kinds of things in exchange for the unusual things you find in your journeys.
See the Scientist's individual Mob pages for a table of the items sold by that scientist.