Mordebi (VG)  

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The Mordebi Human Race of Qalia


No strangers to hardship, the Mordebi humans of the Qalian deserts have seen the destruction of their great society not once, but twice. Swift as the wind and as dangerous as a sandstorm, the Mordebi find their strength now in adaptability and nomadic ways. They look to the sands of Qalia to find their home and have shown time and again that they will always find a way to persevere.

Starting Stats

  • Racial Attributes (Level 10+):
  • 14 attribute customization points each level.
  • Humans may spend 5 points per attribute each level instead of the normal 4.

Additional Bonuses

  • Human Ingenuity: +10 bonus to all weapons skills and dodge
  • Crafting: +10 Finesse
  • Harvesting: +5 Reaping

Primary Diplomacy Expression

  • Demand

Racial Ability

Racial Faction Mount

Starting area - quests, town, hubs, where to buy level 10 mount

Background on Mordebi

Famous Mordebi:

Saga of Heroes


This page last modified 2008-07-22 02:27:54.