Following is the transcript for the mission AU38 - Stirrings of War.
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Abquhbah: ...and so the posters for Duzaf were removed before we even had time to...
Abquhbah: (Whisper, whisper...whisper...)
Naja Salaheem: Ya can't be serious!?
Abquhbah: All rewards for information, not to mention the bounty itself...
Abquhbah: (Whisper, whisper...whisper...)
Naja Salaheem: !!!
Naja Salaheem:
Naja Salaheem: My Blackbelly...golden serpent medal...Imperial bounty...piles of Empress loot...flawless prrroject...
Abquhbah: President...President Naja!?
Naja Salaheem:, my pretties...
Naja Salaheem: Look! In the sky! 2000 Imperial gold pieces flying away...!
Abquhbah: I think her saucer's tipped over...
Naja Salaheem: Aaargh!
Naja Salaheem: What the hell happened to my perfectly orchestrrrated plan!? What has that good-for-nothin' knucklehead been doin' out there!?
Naja Salaheem: Whether my suspicion hit the mark or not, it's an employee's duty to rrreport in immediately! Am I wrrrong!?
Abquhbah: A-a perfectly reasonable supposition, President Naja...
Abquhbah: (I may have to initiate emergency evacuation procedure 1-B!)
Naja Salaheem: Of all the incompetent...!
Abquhbah: !
Naja Salaheem: You!!!
Abquhbah: Uh-oh!
Abquhbah: I can't watch!
Abquhbah: PLAYERNAME!?
Abquhbah: Oh dear, oh dear...
Abquhbah: Can you hear me? Hang in there, PLAYERNAME!
Razfahd: Nine hundred years...
Razfahd: For nine hundred years, emperors down through history have dreamed of seeing the scattered remnants of the iron colossus thus brought together.
Razfahd: For this purpose alone, we have fought in countless, fruitless conflicts, both within and without the Empire, in search of the lost candescences...
Ghatsad: It has been an epic, if pointless, struggle.
Razfahd: But my father had a different vision.
Ghatsad: Yes. It was the innovative Emperor Jalzahn that devised the notion of manufacturing a colossus, as well as the candescences, using our own resources and technology.
Razfahd: "There is always a way. If you cannot find one, create one."
Razfahd: Another of his famous sayings...
Ghatsad: And you, my Lord Razfahd, are doing a splendid job of following in his footsteps.
Razfahd: Spare me your platitudes. My father's idea was merely a catalyst.
Razfahd: I have my own vision--my own path to glory.
Ghatsad: I meant no offense, Grand Vizier...
Razfahd: How can we know that Alexander will choose to manifest in our mechanical giant, as he once infused the iron colossus?
Ghatsad: This is not the time to waver. It is said that Alexander only favors the strongest among us.
Ghatsad: According to my calculations, our mechanical creation has many times the destructive power of the Alzadaal construct.
Ghatsad: I have no doubts concerning its worthiness. Alexander is but awaiting the moment of his resurrection...
Ghatsad: Everything I have worked towards has been in preparation for that glorious day.
Razfahd: Yes, it will be glorious...
Razfahd: But we cannot jump ahead of ourselves. First we must unravel the Gordeus.
Ghatsad: The Gordeus... What an unexpected taste of irony.
Ghatsad: Who would have suspected she had made such modifications to the automatons I designed?
Razfahd: It was an oversight on our part. Nashmeira's mother Jubleel was an eccentric woman, but none could fault her intelligence.
Ghatsad: Yes, a brilliant scholar.
Ghatsad: Before I enlisted her as my pupil, Jubleel was well known in the academic community for her work in deciphering complicated scrolls of Walahran philosophy.
Razfahd: When I was still a boy, she also instructed me in arts of the puppetmaster.
Razfahd: The device she invented to instill behavioral patterns made it simple for even a beginner like myself to make Mnejing move in the most lifelike manner.
Ghatsad: Ah, the concept of "programming." I must admit to being dumbstruck by her ideas.
Razfahd: If we had only realized how much truth was contained in her ramblings.
Razfahd: "Everything is born from the Gordeus..."
Razfahd: What of Nashmeira?
Amnaf: She remains secluded in her chambers, Grand Vizier.
Razfahd: Stubborn child.
Amnaf: Your orders?
Razfahd: Tell her this:
Razfahd: If she cooperates in unlocking the puppets' secrets, I will reconsider Luzaf's fate.
Razfahd: Should she refuse, we will have no choice but to dismantle Ovjang and Mnejing for Ghatsad to analyze.
Amnaf: Understood.
Raubahn: Keep a strict guard--she is not to slip away again.
Amnaf: Sir.
Ghatsad: Do you truly mean to release Luzaf?
Razfahd: Of course not.
Razfahd: However, "he" reappeared just as we were completing the mechanical colossus--it can be no coincidence.
Ghatsad: You believe there is some connection...?
Razfahd: It is possible.
Razfahd: And until we know the significance of this connection, I intend to keep Luzaf alive.
Ghatsad: But if he--
Razfahd: Do not worry. I will not allow this underworld apocalypse of theirs to occur.
Razfahd: All the keys to the Age of Judgment lie in the palm of my hand.
Razfahd: I will keep him under control--even should he become the incarnation of a god.
Abquhbah: PLAYERNAME appears to be coming around!
Naja Salaheem: Phew, I'm glad he's/she's okay...
Abquhbah: You're..."glad"...?
Naja Salaheem: Ahem! Finally wakin' up, is he/she? Guess I don't know my own strrrength!
Abquhbah: (I must have imagined that glimpse of compassion...)
Abquhbah: Isn't there something you'd like to say to PLAYERNAME?
Naja Salaheem: I...uh...that is to say...
Naja Salaheem: It's all Duzaf's fault. This doesn't qualify ya for worker's compensation!
Abquhbah: President Naja!
Naja Salaheem: S-sorry about crrracking your head, PLAYERNAME...
Naja Salaheem: N-now, don't ya have some sorta rrreport for me? Hm?
What do you have to report?
PLAYERNAME: The truth of Naja's suspicions.
Naja Salaheem: Oho.
Naja Salaheem: So Duzaf was rrreally Luzaf.
Naja Salaheem: I knew I was rrright...
Naja Salaheem: But ya were collared by the admiral and sent to guard the corsairs' hideout...
Naja Salaheem: Then ya barely escape with your life, and now ya think you're bein' hunted.
Naja Salaheem: So ya were afrrraid to rrreport in until the scary Admiral Luzaf was caught, is that it?
Naja Salaheem: Of all the spineless, gutless... And ya call yourself a Salaheem's Sentinel!?
Naja Salaheem: A corsairs' hideout... Hmmm...
Naja Salaheem: ...
Abquhbah: Is something wrong, President Naja?
Naja Salaheem: I thought I caught the scent of gold in the air.
Abquhbah: But gold doesn't have a scent...
Naja Salaheem: I guess I must've imagined it. ...
What do you have to report?
PLAYERNAME: Aphmau's "message."
Naja Salaheem: !!!
Naja Salaheem: Why didn't ya say somethin'!?
Naja Salaheem:
Naja Salaheem: Alrrready...? Things are moving too fast...
Naja Salaheem: Hm?
Naja Salaheem: This is not for the likes of you two! Now scoot for a bit so's I can concentrrrate!
Abquhbah: What's come over the president? She never wants to spend time "thinking."
Abquhbah: I hope all this "thinking" doesn't lead to one of her tantrums.
Abquhbah: Well, at least the loss of Duzaf's bounty seems to have blown over without any casualties.
Abquhbah: Oh, I didn't mean to make light of your injury, PLAYERNAME...
Abquhbah: Y-you take care of that bump!
Travialce: PLAYERNAME. I am glad to have found you.
Travialce: I have urgent news.
Travialce: Please accompany me to Balrahn Way.
Travialce: The Divine Empress Nashmeira II has been stripped of her authority, and the Grand Vizier now controls the government...
Travialce: Events have transpired just as His Highness had feared they would.
Travialce: The prince is acquainted with the current Empress, having once accepted an invitation to visit Aht Urhgan as a guest of the state.
Travialce: I know nothing of the events that occurred during that time...
Travialce: However, His Highness is fervently confident of Empress Nashmeira's ability to navigate a righteous course for her nation.
Rodin-Comidin: Sir Travialce.
Rodin-Comidin: Isn't this place a little open for holding an emergency council!?
Rodin-Comidin: Aren't you worried about spies in the crowd!? What if we were targeted for random surveillance!?
Travialce: A pleasure to see you again, Rodin-Comidin.
Rodin-Comidin: Oh, and by the way, I've been ordered to cease all exchanges of information with non-Windurstian agents.
Rodin-Comidin: We've discovered some facts about the Astral Candescence that would knock the starch out of your stuffy Elvaan shirt!
Rodin-Comidin: Ah! Doctor Shan...ah, Lady Karababa forbade me to speak of it to anyone!
Rodin-Comidin: Wait! What's that delightful aroma? I think I smell kebabs...
Rodin-Comidin: I'll just mosey on over and grab a bite to eat while we're waiting for everyone to get here!
Rodin-Comidin: Whoa!
Travialce: Lady Ayame!
Travialce: What a pleasant surprise. I did not expect a Mythril Musketeer to attend...
Ayame: Bastok recognizes that the situation has grown beyond the scope of simple intelligence gathering.
Travialce: Meaning?
Ayame: Meaning that Strategic Command has ordered the Bastokan Navy to prepare for war.
Travialce: Prepare for war? Are you not acting prematurely...?
Rodin-Comidin: Wake up and smell the chai, Travialce. Windurst has already deployed her amphibious Cardians.
Ayame: This speculation is not constructive. If everyone is present, I suggest we discuss the main agenda.
Travialce: I have heard no word from Gessho...
Ayame: Excuse my bluntness of speech, but we do not have the luxury of time to wait for latecomers.
Rodin-Comidin: Let's get this over with.
Travialce: The situation we had all hoped to avoid now looms before us.
Ayame: Then it has been decided.
Travialce: Yes. An allied forces military council will be called into session.
Ayame: Such a council has not been held since the end of the Great War...
Travialce: Our main prerogative is to avoid the commencement of hostilities.
Travialce: As a step towards this objective, I propose an open forum for the exchange of information.
Ayame: I agree. Is there anything you would like to share with us, PLAYERNAME?
Ayame: You have infiltrated the deepest layer of Imperial government, if I'm not mistaken?
What do you speak of?
PLAYERNAME: Recent events.
Travialce: It cannot be... The incarnation of Odin?
Ayame: And the Empress held prisoner by her own subjects...
Rodin-Comidin: No! The bounty on Duzaf's head has been withdrawn?
Ayame: Was there anything else of import, PLAYERNAME?
What do you speak of?
PLAYERNAME: Razfahd's message.
Travialce: Conflict may be unavoidable...
Ayame: This threatens to escalate into war on a scale greater than any in history.
Ayame: The loss of life will be incalcuable...