Template:TSW Mission  

The Secret World

{{TSW Mission

|repeatable= Put "y" or "yes" if this mission is repeatable, otherwise leave blank.

|cooldown= Put how long the cooldown time is for the quests (for example: 34 hours and 12 minutes).

|faction= If this mission is faction specific state "Dragon", "Illuminati", or "Templar".

|missiontype= The options for these are: "Story", "Group", "Main", and "Side".

|missionicon= The options for these are: "Story", "Action", "Item", "Investigation", "Sabotage", "Group", and "PvP".

|startmob= The npc that gives you the quest, if it is an npc.

|startobj= The obect that gives you the quest, if it is an object.

|zone= Zone where the mission starts.

|summary= Quick summary of the mission.

|objectives= Use the <ref></ref> tags if you give commentary for each tier.

|videolink= Youtube or other video url.

The following parameters are lists so all you need is a comma to separate them (Quest 1,Quest 2):

|optionals= Items you can pick upon completion of the quest (still working on how to do the items).

|premissions= Quests you must have completed before you are able to do this quest.

|leadmissions= Missions that have this mission as a prerequisite.

|relacheives= Achievements that require you to do this mission.

|relmobs= NPCs that are related to the mission.

|relobjs= Objects that are related to the mission.

|relzones= If the quest sends you to multiple zones put them here.

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-04 22:16:41.