Testing the Waters Spoilers  

Following is the transcript for the mission AU34 - Testing the Waters:

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Scene 1: Aht Urhgan Whitegate

Naja Salaheem: I knew you'd be showin' your face around here sooner or later, Player name.

Naja Salaheem: So? How goes our little prrroject?

Naja Salaheem: Surely...

Naja Salaheem: Surely ya haven't let the most important mission in the historrry of this company slip your mind?

Did ya let it slip your mind?

PLAYERNAME: Of course not!

Naja Salaheem: Well, alright then, Mercenary rank Player name!

Naja Salaheem: I'm sorry I ever doubted ya.

Naja Salaheem: But ya gotta understand, capturing Duzaf the Blackbelly is the grrreatest thing this company will ever accomplish!

Did ya let it slip your mind?

PLAYERNAME: Let what slip...?

Naja Salaheem: ... I knew it. Just one look at your slack-jawed expression tells the whole story.

Naja Salaheem: I'm talkin' about the plan to catch Duzaf the Blackbelly--you know, the guy with the Imperial bounty on his head?

Naja Salaheem: Ya with me now? Do I gotta tattoo it on your forehead!?

Naja Salaheem: Now that I know we're on the same page, I can fill ya in on something interestin' I've noticed.

Naja Salaheem: ...!

Naja Salaheem: Abquhbah!

Abquhbah: Y-yes, ma'am!

Naja Salaheem: Is the office clear of visitors?

Abquhbah: Yes, you can speak freely, President Naja.

Naja Salaheem: Excellent. Ya see, it was when I had Abquhbah markin' all the Duzaf sightings on the map...

Naja Salaheem: That's when I began to notice a pattern.

Naja Salaheem: All the sightings were near the coast--especially places where it was easy to land a ship.

Naja Salaheem: It got me to thinkin' about the rrrumors floatin' around port, and the trrrue identity of this Duzaf. My guess is, this villain is really none other than...

Naja Salaheem: Luzaf the Blackheart!

Naja Salaheem: ...

Abquhbah: (Psst! This is where you start clapping!)

Naja Salaheem: Hmph.

Naja Salaheem: Well, I'm not one hundrrred percent certain in any case.

Naja Salaheem: If I were to send the combined forces of Salaheem's Sentinels against the wrong target...

Naja Salaheem: Explain the current financial state of the company to Player name, here.

Abquhbah: Ma'am. Gathering this intelligence required mercenary dispatches to every corner of Aht Urhgan, not to mention fattening the purses of Qiqirn information dealers...

Abquhbah: The expense has been horrendous!

Abquhbah: Salaheem's Sentinels just doesn't have the budget to fund another intelligence-gathering mission.

Naja Salaheem: There ya have it. We can't afford to make any mistakes.

Naja Salaheem: And that's where you come in, Player name.

Naja Salaheem: This wouldn't be the first time you've slunk aboard the Black Coffin, rrright?

Naja Salaheem: The Empress was so grateful after that last mission, Her Magnificence even rrrewarded ya with this glory crown.

Naja Salaheem: You know your way around the deck of that ship, I'm sure.

Naja Salaheem: That's why it'll be your job to track down the Black Coffin.

Naja Salaheem: I need ya to find out if my suspicions are correct. Are ya on board?

Will you board the Black Coffin?

PLAYERBASE: Not again...

Naja Salaheem: Doth mine ears deceive me...?

Naja Salaheem: Did ya think ya were in a position to rrrefuse?

Naja Salaheem: Either ya get yourself on that ghost ship, or find out what it's like to be a ghost yourself. Your choice.

Will you board the Black Coffin?

PLAYERBASE: Try and stop me!

Naja Salaheem: Spoken like a trrrue Salaheem's Sentinel!

Naja Salaheem: Oh, and don't forget you'll be needin' the coin to pay your way onto the cutter.

Naja Salaheem: I seem to rrremember ya tellin' me about some grrreedy spirit...

Naja Salaheem: Listen up, Player name.

Naja Salaheem: The future of the company is rrridin' on the success of this mission.

Naja Salaheem: Get me the prrroof I need.

Naja Salaheem: Then I can mobilize the might of the Sentinels and haul in Duzaf by his pointy ears!

Mnejing: And still, he sleeps...

Nashmeira: At least the...nightmares...appear to have stopped.

Ovjang: Do creatures of the underworld even have nightmares?

Nashmeira: I don't really know...

Nashmeira: But I'm sure Luzaf has seen hardships that would haunt any person's mind.

Nashmeira: Such a troubled soul...

Salabwahn: How fares the admiral?

Nashmeira: He seems to have calmed a little.

Salabwahn: Thanks to your vigilant care.

Ovjang: Hmm.

Salabwahn: (Why now, with the Age of Judgment so close...?)

Ovjang: Is something amiss?

Salabwahn: Idle musings, nothing more. Please inform me if there is any change in his condition.

Mnejing: We shall.

Salabwahn: I'll be on the deck.

Luzaf: Ungh...

Nashmeira: Luzaf!?

Luzaf: The Age...of Judgment... I must...rise...

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-03-01 17:40:42.