The 12 Classes  

  • Cra's Range - Archer class, uses long-range bow and arrow attacks.
  • Ecaflip's Coin - Gambler class, with attacks that can be either beneficial or harmful.
  • Eniripsa's Hands - Cleric class, casts healing spells and ally buffs.
  • Enutrof's Fingers - Treasure-hunter class, specializes in increased drop rates.
  • Feca's Shield - Defensive magic-user, casts shields which reduce damage. Has very few offensive spells as a result.
  • Iop's Heart - Paladin class, close range melee class. High damage. Ally buffer.
  • Osamodas's Whip - Summoner class, summons various monsters to fight along side them.
  • Pandawa's Pint - Boozer class, a race of panda people.
  • Sacrier's Blood - Brawler class, melee attacker, relies on taking damage to increase stats.
  • Sadida's Boots - Invoker class, plant people that conjure plants and totem "dolls" to attack.
  • Sram's Shadow - Assassin class, combination of traps and invisiblity. High damage melee attacks in higher levels.
  • Xelor's Sandglass - Denial attacker, most of their attacks counter, reduce or steal the opponents Action Points.

Category: Dofus
This page last modified 2009-08-27 03:39:47.