
While Funloving and Adventurous, Howlsong can also be a hard case when it comes to difficult people, problems with glitches in games and general everyday mess-ups that we are all subjected to from time to time. Born on Aug 15 1971 this 5'3 female's appearances are very deceptive. while looking small and fragile. Howlsong is a lot tougher than she looks and likes to refer to herself as a "Realist" . She enjoys talking with the developers and game assistants because of the help she provides at no extra cost to the companies that she "works" with. as she quotes " I get hit with the glitches often enough to be a pain.. so * shrugs* might as well put it to SOME use.. after all its ME getting hit with the F*** up so I might as well be of SOME help there." While she DOES try and log in to her games regularly .. sometimes real time takes over and she's like a greased chicken with its head cut off. scrambling everywhere trying to get things done. while she has a very broad sense of humor, and she finds most things funny, she also has a HELL of a temper and will not tolerate bullying trolling or other such behavior that is known to be unacceptable anywhere. also as well the "sleepers" wake when she happens to be around as well. ( sleepers being those who lay quietly in wait to chew someone apart just to be cruel.) she IS kind and helpful. but its best to stay off her bad side. she also has a vendetta against the ads we see everywhere nowadays. " I LOATHE ads " she says " if I can avoid the damn ads for stupid s*** then I will!" a recent development with her previous addon client angered her to the point of cancelling her account with the site that shed been a member of since 2007 and went in search of better ways to meet her needs. a "hunter" by nature Howl Also does her best to keep her computer maintained in such a way as to be proficient with basics for software while not a coder, she at least has a good idea of how to find problems and reveal them to the right people. Howl Also doesn't like "bragging" about her connections because she doesn't feel the need to aggravate delicate positions by making assumptions unnecessarily. " I don't like putting my friends on the spot like that if I can help it" She says " I have NO problems doing that to people who deserve it. but friends? no man. I save that BS for trolls and Nazispeccers* " ( *= nazispeccer is someone who tries to bully other players around them by picking at what they're wearing for gear and such and generally being unpleasant to all) THOSE guys are fun to chew apart!"

This page last modified 2014-11-05 16:36:42.