
Kline (Hades Server) Leader of "DynamisAvengers" Linkshell on Hades server.

Jobs: 75 DRG BLM NIN

Outspoken and Helpful male hume. You would most commonly see kline alongside his best friend ingame Waide. Although kline does have many friends and aquantences ingame he holds waide as his truest and dearest friend. Although he rarely gets to play dragoon anymore, its still very dear to him and he hold it as his favorite job. With all of his jobs he has leveled he concideres himself a Dragoon at heart. He has many friends and is fairly well-known on Hades server as the Leader and puller of DynamisAvengers linkshell.

Kline started his leadership role when he took over the social linkshell "TheAvengers" when the original founder had to take a break from final Fantasy 11. he held onto that shell for quite some time untill all the members ended up migrating to bigger and more full linkshells. Although the linkshell is long broke, kline still holds that linkshell in his heart as his first and best linkshell ever.

After the break of TheAvengers ls. Kline decided to take up a leadership role again alongside his friends Waide and Riyoalsaki. they began the linkshell that is currently known as Onwingsofdragons. Kline lead that linkshell for quite awhile before alot of real life issues forced him to pass leadership of the linkshell on to Sillydragon, so kline could take care of the problems he was faced in every day life.

Once kline got back to being able to play more often he came back to his linkshell Onwingsofdragons to realize he wanted to pursue even bigger of a leadership role. Sillydragons had the sky linkshell well under control so kline decided to take his leadership and his efforts and put them into play in another aspect of the game, Dynamis.

Kline along with his real life brother Deviladvocate, Started the linkshell. Deviladvocate bought the shell and is technically the owner of the shell. All decisions of the shell and final word belongs to kline. He runs ever run either pulling and tanking on his ninja job, or being main assist on his Black Mage job. Kline often refers to this linkshell as "Otwods Sister shell". The Name "DynamisAvengers" was taken from his original linkshell "TheAvengers" and he named it that to remember the times he spent in his first home.

Since Deviladvocate quit the game Kline takes control of all record keeping and responsibilties of running DynamisAvengers. He sponsors every run and leads everyone inside (alongside the help of the sackholders in the linkshell).

Kline is currently working on upgrading his relic polearm to final stages but times are tough for him. He hopes to one day wield his Gungnir in dynamis, but that day still seems very far off.

Kline can be reached in Final Fantasy 11 via. /tell, message, or email @ or send a P.M. on his website.

This page last modified 2007-12-04 20:58:46.