This is the first quest that you will be given upon reaching the Queen's Colony. It is given by Murrar Shar who is just ahead of you.
He will send you to speak to Trainer Hayl McGuinness, who is nearby near the archery targets 25, -5, 145 . If you do not know how to use locations you can type /waypoint to have a glowy trail lead you to that location. For example for this location you would type /waypoint (25, -5, 145).
When you speak to Trainer Hayl, he will give you the basic information needed to learn combat. He will then ask you to defeat a sparring partner in combat. There are three different sparring partners next to Trainer Hayl. One is weak and is a down arrow, which indicates that he is weaker than a normal monster of his level. The other is average, and the other has an up arrow, indicating that he is challenging for solo players of the same level. I would recommend sparring with the weak one, though the choice is yours.
After defeating the sparring partner return to Trainer Hayl. He will then congratulate you and send you back to Murrar Shar,who will give you your reward. Murrar Shar will then offer you the A Presence of Evil quest (see related quests).
Click here to see a walk-through video by Kidknie Rippender.