fr quest:Wild Mixtures  

Free Realms

To Start: Speak to Farmer Chug in Wilds Farm.
Farmer Chug says,"Hey neighbor! Your farm just keeps lookin' better every time I see it!

Hey, check it out! It looks like your Farm-O-Matic has been upgraded. Now you can put two samples in at the same time.

Wanna know more? "

Combine something with a Wildroot Sample using the Farm-O-Matic.
This is an Errand quest.  Membership is required to begin this quest.

Stars 20 
  • Combine something with a Wildroot Sample in your Farm-O-Matic.
  • Return to Farmer Chug.
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Available once your farm reaches Level 5.

Closing Dialogue

Farmer Chug says, "If you put two of the same plant in you'll get more seeds than usual. If you put in two different plants sometimes you'll gets seeds for a brand new hybrid! Then there's my favorite: usin' a Wildroot plant. Mixin' somethin' with a Wildroot plant will always give you somethin' random! Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's just junk. Go on, give it a try! And just so ya' know… Mixin' two Wildroot Samples won't get'cha anything. You need to mix a Wildroot Sample with a sample from a different crop. Go on, try it out!"

Farmer Chug later says, "Well, what did'ja think? Fun huh!? Did'ja get anything good? As you get different crops to grow on your farm don't forget about mixin' things in the Farm-O-Matic. There are some crops you can only get seeds for by makin' a hybrid. I don't even know all the combinations myself. Just have fun and experiment!"

This article refers to items, personae, and activities available in association with Farming.

This page last modified 2011-04-25 05:42:34.