
This is a test to see if we want to push coordinates to the /wp command used by the Waypoint addon.

This template displays coordinates (locations) in a neat format, and a Copy button to push "/wp x y" to the clipboard.

Usage: {{riftcoord2|X,Y}}

X is the x-axis (east to west), Y is the y-axis (north to south). On the in-game map these coordinates are displayed at the bottom in "x,y" format and are based on where your cursor is currently pointing at on the map. If you use the /loc command you will receive "x z y" coordinates; only use the first and last of these. "z" is elevation.

Example: {{riftcoord|1275,3089}}

This would display on our site as (1275,3089).
Pressing the Copy button would push /wp 1275 3089 to the keyboard buffer.

For more information on coordinates in Rift, see: Map Coordinates.

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

Bahmi Rogue
This template was created or is maintained by
Arrrr! I'm a SEACAPtain!

This page last modified 2013-01-12 14:23:39.