template:WAR Bestiary  

WAR Bestiary
We do not have an image for this entry!

If you have one, please upload it! (NOTE:Tome of Knowledge Bestiary drawing is preferred for this page, but an in-game picture will do!)



Achievement Rewards

NOTE: overview= has been replaced by a call to WAR Species Desc


{{WAR Bestiary
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL1|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL25|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST1|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL100|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST2|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL1K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST3|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL10K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST4|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL100K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Bottom|lore=}} 

If this is a Career entry, use the following block:

{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL1|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|VICTIM|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL25|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|SCENARIO|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL100|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL1K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST3|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL10K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|QUEST4|||quest=|action=|title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Line|KILL100K|||title=|item=|tactic=|}}
{{WAR Bestiary Bottom|lore=}} 


  • realm= is Neutral, Order or Destruction. Neutral is default.
  • army= is the tribe/kingdom/clan this race serves in, if a playable race.
  • if playable is not blank this is a playable CAREER. Also, under Achievements the table will display a Victim line, with victimtitle as the "reward" :) Use this switch on pages like Category:Dwarf, Engineer
  • if playablerace is not blank this is a playable RACE. This means that quest1 to quest4 are ignored and are auto-set to "Enter a race_name Scenario". Use this switch on pages like Category:Dark Elf
  • if armyentry is not blank, this bestiary entry is for all members of this army.

lore= actually belongs below the Achievements table, and so I have added it to the Bottom template, but the main template still recognizes it, if passed, so we do not break older pages. DO NOT PUT lore= IN BOTH!!!

The template will check to see if the WAR Race: page for this race has any images in the Media tab and, if found, will use the top image.

All pages that use this template will be placed in Category:WAR Mobs by Race, Category:Bestiary and Category:Warhammer Online.

See Also

WAR Bestiary Line: On most pages the first 2 fields in the template call may be left blank, but will need to be replaced on some. These 2 fields are the singular and plural versions of the mob's name. If left blank the template will use the name on the page (after stripping the suffix) and will add an "s" for the second field. See WAR Bestiary Line for documentation on that sub-template.

WAR Bestiary Bottom: This must appear on the bottom of every WAR Bestiary page, immediately following the last call to WAR Bestiary Line.

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

The Relentless
Fae Wizard
Lucan D'Lere
EverQuest II
This template was created or is maintained by
All the power in the universe in a small, flaming fairy package.

This page last modified 2008-10-20 11:34:17.