16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway

We have 16 membership codes to give away to 16 lucky winners--enter now!

The giveaway has ended!

Winners will be contacted and announced by 11:59pm PT on Thursday, March 26th.

Happy Birthday to EverQuest! We've teamed up with Daybreak Games to give away 30 days worth of All Access membership to 16 lucky people! Continue after the jump for all the details.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • We don't care which country you live in, anyone can redeem the code
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Monday, March 16, 2015 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • There are sixteen (16) codes for thirty (30) days of All Access membership, so there will be sixteen (16) individual winners
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • Daybreak employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment as a response to this article telling us something you love about EverQuest. A favorite zone, a cherished memory, a funny story—whatever you want to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How We Choose

  • Valid entries will be entered into a random blind drawing
  • The winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Thursday, March 26, 2015
  • The code and redemption instructions will be sent via private message on ZAM
  • ZAM and Daybreak are not responsible for an unredeemed or lost code

There's all our mumbo-jumbo... good luck!



Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor


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Best or worst memory...
# Mar 17 2015 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Finally I was invited to a PoG raid, so excited I started the run from Iceclad port in.....

Forgot to get Levi....

Fell off the ledge trying to find Kael :(

Corpse run made me miss raid start and it was full when I finally arrived.
Kimble Bardbaiter

ex BB Mage, Ex AB Mage.
Now AB Rogue.
All acess giveaway
# Mar 17 2015 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
I truely enjoy the fact that so many adults play Everquest.
Questing :)
# Mar 17 2015 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
I have always loved the variety of questing types in Everquest and Everquest II.
Love EQ
# Mar 17 2015 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
I will always love the lower level zones leveling lower level toons.

One of my best memories..
# Mar 17 2015 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
264 posts
One of my best memories of EQ is hunting in Karnor's castle back in the day, about 12 or 13 years ago. I was hunting with my online girlfriend ( who I met in real life later and love more than anything today!) and a friend from the guild we were in at the time. I was a highelf wizard, my girlfriend was playing her highelf mage and our friend was a vahshir shamaness. We were doing fairly well, the three of ( long before mercs). We had been there for hours, despite the fact of the shamaness was a curious sort, and would from time to time go venturing and bring half the zone to us. She claimed she never been there before and wanted to check the zone. Finally, on one of those adventurous wanders, she aggrod, VS and wiped us. First major EQ wipe. I have killed VS many times since then, but whenever I do, I remember that day.
16 years!
# Mar 17 2015 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
16 years it has been a long road
# Mar 17 2015 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I went to Electronic's Boutique in the mall and walked around the store as I usually did. I had $95 in my pocket from saving allowance up for months and it was time to buy a video game. Usually I bought some game for the Sony Playstation as it was my go-to console at the time. I was 14 years old and the 1997 release of Final Fantasy 7 still had my mind in pieces. It was only around two years after the game had come out and I was still playing it over and over again. I had read about a RPG for the PC that was coming out and I thought it was really cool to be able to play with other people. As I roamed into the PC Game area there it sat, EverQuest. I quickly grabbed the box and looked at the front flap and back of the box. I had to have this game, it looked amazing. I quickly bought it and couldn't get home fast enough. After installing, patching, begging my mother to use her credit card and creating an account to log in, I was finally ready to play.

I started up the game and was in awe over its intro movie. I entered my login information and was prompted to the server select screen. What the hell was a server? I picked one and blasted into character creation. I couldn't wrap my head around all the class and races that I could pick from. After a good 20 minutes of deciding, I chose a highelf wizard. I appeared in Felwithe and had no idea what to do. I roamed around for hours, managed to find the other part of the city and was still dreadfully lost. I gave up. The game I was so excited to play had been a complete waste of time and money. The amazing graphics didn't mean much to me when I didn't know how to escape what felt like a maze of felwithe.

Two weeks later at lunch in school my friend told me he had bought the game over the weekend. I told him I played it and couldn't find where to level up. He told me I needed to start in Qeynos. You could level up in the city, it was all right there! That afternoon when I got home, I logged in again, making sure to pick the server my friend played on. I selected my human and decided I would be a Necromancer. No longer was I in a confusing dark city at night, I was in a town with a gate and lots of rats, bats, fire beetles, skeletons and gnoll pups to kill!

From that day on I learned everything about EverQuest and its world Norrath. I mastered everything about Necromancers and played for countless hours. Norrath was new and exciting and full of secrets, quests and places to explore. I finally set in on a Dark Elf Necromancer and never looked back. I played the game from 1999 until 2003, came back to the game again in 2010 and quit again in 2013. I'll eventually go back to Norrath, I always do. This time I know when I will at least....when the progression server comes out :)

- Xenolith (Firiona Vie)
Funny Story
# Mar 17 2015 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
234 posts
I remember going into the Tower of Discord to raid back in Seeds of Destruction days and how miserable it would be going into the first event. Sometimes people wouldn't be invis and people would aggro the event early because they weren't invis. The people who have raided Discord Tower remember that the first event has an aura that envelopes the walls and zone in. So, when 1 person aggroed early everybody who hadn't moved yet would die. This would upset the leader so much that it would actually result in spending the next 10 minutes being lectured on how not to be stupid lol. After being lectured we would go into the room invis 1 group at a time overseen by the raid leader until everybody was finally in and then we could go about the fight.
My Favorite Memory
# Mar 17 2015 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
I remember when EQ was first released, my Uncle had been a beta tester and has played his whole life up until recently. I came back to the game a year ago, because of the fond memories I've had, and have gotten back into hardcore end-game raiding, and it's been nothing short of fun and amazing.

My favorite memory would be my first character I ever created. Back in 2000, I was a mere 9 years old, and I remember creating a Dark Elf Necromancer on my Uncle's account. I remember waiting to zone into Nektulos Forest, and my hands were shaking with excitement. I walked out of the tunnel past the guards, and right away I noticed a dark blue bat, I cast my little Lifetap on it and started meleeing away with my big old wood staff. I remember getting down to about 20% hp, my palms started sweating, I had never been so nervous in my life! I was spamming lifetaps but out of mana, and I literally remember hitting my last lifetap, it putting me above 10% hp, and it also killed the bat. I was so happy.. and since that day I've had an internal love for EQ, regardless of my time away from the game.

ZAM has been there the whole way, and I thank you guys for your hard/awesome work :)
# Mar 17 2015 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
My most memorable time playing had to be the early days. When some close friends introduced me to EQ I was out of high school 2 years by the time I started playing. It was so much fun. I remember all my friends that no longer play but try to keep in touch with. I will never forget the wonderful friendships I made through the game even though they are states and some even countries away. I keep coming back after taking several months off. Life is hard now with kids and being a full-time student. But I still manage to take time to play. I would love to win an All-Access pass, being a student sometimes money is an issue to spend on a membership. Thanks for the great opportunity.
Plane of Hate
# Mar 17 2015 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
It was way back this. Was playing on my rogue and it dinged 46 late that evening. I was thrilled for a lvl. I was standing in Gfay and a guilded asked for a rogue to Plane of Hate raid, i was sure i just dinged 46 and i want try it. Got invited and we started to kill stuff in there. Got my self a armor piece and it was so good!

After a while it was Master rancor time. We pulled and we failed big time. When i died i prayed to my self that i did not lose my lvl and guess it was just that i did. Naked and lvl 45 i was standing in Gfay. The raid tryed to rez me but i could not get back in to Hate. It was getting really late for me and i was almost crying, i could not get back and get my corp with all my stuff on.

Finally i found some kind persons that helped me re ding so i could port back in and get my corp. Just got back from Hate and was ready to log out it was time to get to School. It took all night long!

It is one of my best and heartbreaking moments in Everquest!
When I first met Kristiana the ranger
# Mar 17 2015 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I had moved away for a few years to Los Angeles from Oregon and when I got back in April of 1999 my brother had bought a computer. A few days later my nephew bought this game Everquest. We were stuck.
My first character was a half elf ranger named Kristiana. We were on Ralos Zek server back then. Anyway, Kristiana joined a guild called Amazons. When I finally hit level 15 the guild leader and her second a level 50 druid decided that it was time for me to find new places to hunt so they ported me to the Karanas. They got called away so the druid bound me there. It took me about 2 hours to run back to Kelethin, Since my two nephews and son shared the account with me I had two hours of play time and that trip back home was all I got to do.
So the next day she did it again, ported me to Karanas and bound me then left again. The 3rd day she started to again so I left group and went and killed in the wilds of the commonlands it was much easier to just ride the boat back and forth... the only thing was I fell off the boat and landed on the bottom of the ocean but as they say....thats another story.
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 17 2015 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
EQ is probably the game that gives a lot of us the joy of computer gaming for all this years. Keep it up with the contents and thank you for all your efforts to make this game an examply of what computer gaming is about.
What I love....
# Mar 17 2015 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I love the random events!

I can remember way back in the day when the Karanas were overrun by undead and players across the entire server banding together to fight! This was an amazing event and was a big part of what got me hooked on EQ.

I really love that after all this time, random events like this are still being run!

Just the other day I was running through PoK and saw a shout from the Riddlemaster, who was passing out free food and drink while giving riddles to a small group of players and rewarding us for correct answers. While this event was much smaller scale than the Karanas back in the day, I still really enjoyed participating! This is just one example of the type of things that make EverQuest a great game.

Keep up the great work!
# Mar 17 2015 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
35 posts
I love the music in Lavastorm Mountains!
The Amazing Mistress Akansha!
My first outing, an elf in Kunark
# Mar 17 2015 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
My first time out of the big city, I was growing up so quickly, being 18 and was going to Lake of Ill Omen and roaming through Kunark. Some how I of course was lost. I asked a lizard man in Field of Bone the best way to get out of the area to a boat. He said, "OH simple, It is Overthere." I looked, umm where? He repeated, "Overthere". I knew lizards were not right in the head, but what was he talking about! (We did not have this "map" feature.) I politely said thanks, assuming his tailed had been yanked once to many times, and roamed on my own. Eventually I found my way and a couple days later I stumbled into a zone, "The Overthere". I thought, OH!!!!!! Who is on First??? /sigh

Next best memory, Mazzic breaking keyboard after keyboard on Prophecy raids:P Maybe me porting him out with succor was a bad idea?? HA!

# Mar 17 2015 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
Everquest is by far the best game I've ever played, even after 16 years I'm still exploring new areas and revisiting old areas. Revisiting old areas usually has a real nostalgic feeling to it.That coupled with a little revenge on mobs that gave you a hard time in your lower levels makes for an epic return. I'll never forget the first time I went back to Crushbone to seek out Emperor Crush. He smacked me down more than a few times in my youth, even corpse camping me once (before we had a lobby to summon our corpses), so going back to lay the smack down on him was fun.

Memories ---
# Mar 17 2015 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
Honestly, you gotta go back to the beginning...

Buying Banded Mail from a PC in Everfrost at 1pp per AC point
35th Level! No more staring at my spellbook when I meditate
Auctions in Gfay and Commonlands (Bag of weapons at T2!!!)
Killing Fippy (again)

Thanks for everything EQ
When work is tough, or GF is a pain....I can always kill Hill Giants
Player since Dec. 99
# Mar 17 2015 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
More than anything else I love the friends I've made playing this game, and that the game encouraged you to make friends to progress. I still play this game with friends I made many years ago, and still talk to some of those friends who have long since retired.
good times
# Mar 17 2015 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Love EQ <3

One of my favourite memories was trying to do the Braaaiiiins monster mission, we were all in teamspeak and all laughing so hard at being attacked by all these zombies, no one could actually kill any!

I can't look at a zombie these days without smiling and thinking of the fun I had with long retired friends. :)
Back Again
# Mar 17 2015 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
Currently back again after another few months' break. I just can't stay away, and really don't want to anyway. Have my new necro in Greig's End at 54 currently, and loving it.
Such a hard call
# Mar 17 2015 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Waay back when I had a couple of alts on the Erollisi Marr server, circa 2001 or 2002, one of my buddies collected every mammoth in Everfrost and took the entire zone herd to the Halas ramp and FD'd. Was the purest Chaos I'd ever seen. When LDoN launched, back on my mains on Bristlebane, we had the best group possible. We had a daily log on time of 6pm EST - Frustrating warrior, Sleepy Necro, Immature Cleric, ADHD Druid, Distracted Chanter, and Drunken Paladin - and I'm pretty sure our group still has the highest rank on Miragul Hards. After taking a break, we got back in just before Seeds launched and made it pretty much through the whole group level progression before we switched to EQII. There is one time that stands out in everypne's mind where we're trying to break a spawn in the Field of Scale, and I had a theory that I could use my pally horse to kite them in a small area while the main group picked off stragglers.... and I was immediately stuck on a column leaving the building because I'm an idiot. Just some memories there. I guess my big accomplishments are getting my iksar monk to ally in Qeynos and that shammy 2.0.
The Day I Discovered How I Felt About Everquest
# Mar 17 2015 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
I remember starting to play this game back in 1999, before the Kunark expansion:

Running my low level enchanter through the corner of Kithicor Forest, at night (!), from Rivervale to Highpass Hold, to get my new level pet spell. Being somewhat a newbie at the time, all I knew was that I didn't want the skeleton off to the side to notice me as I raced by on my way to the entrance to HPH. So I pressed harder on my Up-Arrow key to run faster. (Yeah, right ... I know...)

That skeleton? Yep, he noticed me. And yes, I applied even more down pressure to the key, hoping I would run faster. I did not want that skeleton to catch me and kill me. I would not look forward to doing a corpse run at my level in here ... at night ...

My surround sound speakers were working very well, as I could hear the skeleton chasing me as the sound of its footfalls swung around behind me.

Of course I happen to be running a path that when that skellie is chasing me, his friends are noticing me too, so I am beginning to train my may to the HPH entrance.

The sound quality of the creatures chasing me, their footfalls getting louder behind me, was raising the hairs up on the back of my neck...

And *that's* when I knew ... I love this game.

And still to this day, when I am VERY CAUTIOUSLY trying to peek around a probably dangerous corner to see what might be lurking, and how close danger might be lurking, I find myself leaning over ... IN MY CHAIR ... (And then of course I sit up straight, wondering if anyone noticed me leaning over, feeling silly)

Trilo Bate
Born on Lanys T'Vyl
"You're In Our World Now"
# Mar 17 2015 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Definitely has to be Crushbone. The amount of time my brother and I spent dying and running back to Crushbone was incredible. I came back a few months ago after not playing since Gates dropped because I had a dream about Crushbone. It wasn't until recently that I went back and for the first time got to see what Emperor Crush and his lookout looked like. What a fun zone!
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