Archlord: Upcoming PVP Tournment

Archlord has announced a GM-hosted PvP knockout tournament to be held next month in the Trilgard Arena. It should be lots of fun!

Ancient Tournament of Trilgard

In this ancient tournament, which has been long forgotten, Chantra's best warriors pit their strength against each other, regardless of their background, in a life-or-death competition in order to win fame and fortune and to determine which guilds produce the strongest and most courageous warriors. Only one team will remain standing at the end of the extremely gruelling tournament. Are you strong and courageous enough? Then accept the challenge by entering this ancient arena with your fellow challengers and proving yourself!

ArchLord's Game Masters are hosting a massive Player versus Player (PvP) Tournament on the official servers in July. Located at the famed Trilgard Arena, groups of four contestants will step up to fight it out in a knockout style tournament, with the winners being crowned as Warriors of Trilgard!

With the tournament split into six level ranges and being fought across three servers there is the potential for hundreds of players to win prizes, with thousands of items and currency up for grabs for those who have what it takes to survive the highly competitive PvP.

More details can be found at the official site.

Tags: Archlord, News


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