ZAM's Sorcerer Q&A with TERA's David Noonan

We sat down with Lead Writer David Noonan of En Masse Entertainment to get some key questions answered about TERA's most dangerous class: the sorcerer!

More exclusive TERA information for you all! This time around, to follow-up on our exclusive sorcerer character class reveal on Tuesday, we've got another ZAM exclusive in the form of an interview with David Noonan, lead writer for En Masse Entertainment! In this interview, we went straight to the source for some clarification on the sorcerer's unique abilities, as well as really finding out what makes playing a sorcerer in TERA so very different from any other MMORPG.

All in all, if you were ever sitting on the fence about TERA's sorcerer, wondering if this class would suit your playstyle, read up on our exclusive interview to really get a feel for this class!

ZAM: Before we begin, thanks for answering our questions about TERA's Sorcerer class!

David Noonan: No problem! I can talk about this stuff all day…

ZAM: The 'mage' archetype has been used in virtually every fantasy RPG in the past twenty years, with many games trying to add something new to the mix. What do you think is a key feature of the sorcerer class that really sets it apart as a uniquely envisioned addition to TERA's playable cast?

David: As much as I'd like to say it's the sorcerer backstory ('cause sorcery has a controversial history in the world of TERA), the thing that sets the sorcerer apart is gameplay. Playing a sorcerer in an action game is a completely different animal when you're "leading" the monster as you aim that fireball. When you free yourself from tab-targeting, working through a spell rotation, and watching your cooldowns, casting spells becomes an "in the moment" experience.

ZAM: With TERA, each class has a very well defined role that allows it to contribute optimally on the battlefield. I've heard TERA's sorcerer class being compared to more modern day roles like snipers or artillery units. Would you say the sorcerer is really about blowing everything up, or are there more subtle aspects to this class that players will recognize as being the sign of a veteran sorcerer?  What would you say are the three most important aspects to being the best sorcerer you can be?

David: The first aspect I'd highlight is tactical maneuvering. Combat in TERA is always on the move, and understanding the geometry of a fight (I should move here so the monster goes there, which brings him into the cone next to the mystic over thataway) is key to victory. Related is a second aspect: situational awareness. TERA's monsters love to move around behind you, step sideways when you're aiming, and so on. In a big battle you've got to know where all the monsters are, what they're doing, and most importantly what they're about to do. The third aspect is a sense of timing and teamwork. Many of your spells are extra effective after your allies have done something clever (like stun, distract, reposition, or knock down your enemies). And you can likewise set your friends up for some particularly hurtful combo attacks.

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