TERA Community Play Diary #6

After a short break, BrotherMags and Scapes are back!

The latest TERA community play diary has BrotherMagneto and Scapes minging, fighting mini bosses, explaining the use of crystals, moving to a new section of the Isle of Dawn, and more.

It would seem a recent update to the TERA client has changed a few things. Ore seems to be much more common on the Isle of Dawn than it ever was in the past, first of all. Also some environmental elements have been added, like AoE damage dealing exploding barrels.

You can read the full article of AnungUnRama and Amareth’s recent exploits here.

Also we are only a couple days away from the first North American play event since the second Focus Group test, which was held last summer. If you were lucky enough to get into this play event, drop us a line on our forums and let us know how you enjoyed it.

The selection process was pretty strict for this round and the play event will only be open for a couple days. However, En Masse has promised that following this play event we can expect to see more community and beta events. Keep checking back for more information!

Tags: News, TERA


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