TERA Community Play Diary #7
Scape and Magneto travel to the final area of the Isle of Dawn.
This week in the Community Play Diary Scapes and BrotherMagneto travel further into the Isle of Dawn and visit the Tainted Gorge. Both of them are decidedly rusty after playing different classes during the community play event and they comment about how it can feel almost like playing a different game.
In the next installment we can count on BrotherMagneto and Scapes to progress to the end of the Isle of Dawn quest lines, and very likely take on the group quest “Sorscha's Reckless Challenge.” Good luck to the both of them as that was a tough quest for two people to handle during the play event.
In Chris Lee's Blog, En Masse Entertainment's VP of Publishing, he writes about the types of people who are employed at En Masse Entertainment. After a review of this blog, who wouldn’t want to work for En Masse?