16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway

We have 16 membership codes to give away to 16 lucky winners--enter now!

The giveaway has ended!

Winners will be contacted and announced by 11:59pm PT on Thursday, March 26th.

Happy Birthday to EverQuest! We've teamed up with Daybreak Games to give away 30 days worth of All Access membership to 16 lucky people! Continue after the jump for all the details.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • We don't care which country you live in, anyone can redeem the code
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Monday, March 16, 2015 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • There are sixteen (16) codes for thirty (30) days of All Access membership, so there will be sixteen (16) individual winners
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • Daybreak employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment as a response to this article telling us something you love about EverQuest. A favorite zone, a cherished memory, a funny story—whatever you want to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How We Choose

  • Valid entries will be entered into a random blind drawing
  • The winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Thursday, March 26, 2015
  • The code and redemption instructions will be sent via private message on ZAM
  • ZAM and Daybreak are not responsible for an unredeemed or lost code

There's all our mumbo-jumbo... good luck!



Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor


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Thanks everyone!
# Mar 25 2015 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
The giveaway is officially over! Winners will be contacted via Private Message here on ZAM and announced by 11:59pm PT on Thursday, March 26!

Edited, Mar 25th 2015 9:35am by Cyliena
Author Website | Instagram | Pinterest

best times of my life
# Mar 25 2015 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
the guild i belong to is still going strong. I have moved on but they remain to this day, Eternal Sovereign
I raided with them in the early days up until PoP and with the contested content back then and the race to get to RZ was the best community times I have had in a game since.

no escape
# Mar 24 2015 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
Way too many of my fond memories come from deaths. One of my favorites was running from orcs on orc hill, getting lost and ending up near the Crushbone entrance. I had never been there before but the 'impending doom' music as I got close clued me in that I should probably not stick around. Thought I managed to escape, but alas...zapped by a shaman a short while later. Not my finest moment but I had to laugh. Aah the good ol' days!
some of my favorite memories
# Mar 24 2015 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
the tutorial. i really loved it. i loved feeding the dragon flutterflies. i loved the tutorial so much that i made a bunch of toons just to repeat it.
oceangreen. i loved going there to see what the old lands looked like before qeynos came along

my epics- i did most of them. they were fun. i even did two cleric epics. the worst one was the rogue epic. my druid lost her faction in her home town because she went to help my rogue and transport him everywhere and help keep him alive. but i loved that epic.

certain mobs i camped and killed - like the cragbeast queen and tunare

the coldain shawl quest. yeah i completed it on 4 toons.

my first visit to brell's and the time i spent gathering those mushrooms- even when my little druid got killed by the bad badger looking people (yeah i know, they are the cute burnai)

fishing for special fish only to have my nephew come along while i ran for a bio break and delete my bag full of them because he had made a new bag with my trophy and didn't know what to do but was afraid to wait for me to come back- after all, he was only supposed to fish while i was away.

foraging - i loved foraging more than anything. i loved going to a new zone to see what i would forage from there

finding items that would look nice in my house- vases and mugs from quests and bowls dropped by different mobs, shields with special graphics. these are all fond memories.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
What i enjoy!
# Mar 24 2015 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Roley and Adrianna! Demiplane was awesome.
Posting as Directed
# Mar 24 2015 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Nothing quite like bouncing off the sky when you're being catapulted, so you can fall to your death!

Formerly Grendol Kegbreaker
Currently Macabro on CT
Most memorable Corpse Run
# Mar 24 2015 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Never get killed on a boat! Took two days to find my corpse after dieing as I stepped on a boat. Corpse was not able to be summoned with a coffin by a Necro. I had to swim around pressing the drag corpse key following the boat until I finally was able to locate it near the zone line. Those were the days.
# Mar 24 2015 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Logging into everquest for the first time in 1999, spending weeks learning to navigate butcherblock and surrounding zones with nothing but sense heading. In particular I remember being around level 15 and making friends with a 40 something dark elf wizard killing dwarfs at the docks. We made an arrangement, he would give me all the weapons to go sell, I could keep the gold and he got the platinum. Of Couse weight was a real issue back then, but eventually I got a system down. Good times.

Edit: I can't go without mentioning Plane of Hate corpse runs and Karnors Castle (in particular) trains, although not the fondest memories they're a huge part of what made EQ such an amazing game.

Edited, Mar 24th 2015 4:53pm by despidious
Favorite Zone
# Mar 24 2015 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
My favorite zone? I couldnt possibly narrow it down to just one zone or expansion for that matter. At the moment I am really enjoying the AMP'd up versions of Chardok and the Grounds in the anniversary missions. MPG, PoM, and a few others also bring back great memories.
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 24 2015 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
I do not think anything can top EQ at all! There to much to list on what is my favorite but I would have to mention my first times grping was with my cousin and we would alternate playing both us was in highpass hold killing gnolls then going to highpass keep for the goblins. In highpass keep there was this guy was grouping with and I will never forget his pull message was 'lets kill it and get another.' Some of the most fun we had at the lower lvls lol. The best ever made nothing can compare.
Great game
# Mar 24 2015 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing this game since Kunark
# Mar 24 2015 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
I have played Everquest since 1999 and Enjoyed it throughout the years. Even when my Dial up internet connection cost me alot of deaths during the horrible lag spikes. Ding Welcome to Level 5, plop, back to level 4, Dang You Kelethin Lifts!!!

Being a Warrior, I hated running and waiting for Ports from Druids and Wizzies. Paying 100pp for a port to Kunark (from GF or BB). Man I used to remember hating to die. Especially if you didn't bind in a city close enough to make the run. Thank You EQ for Planes of Power when you added the books. No More waiting for Druids or Wizzies at BB or GF for a Port.

Ahh Memories. I have played other online MMOs: Guildwars, Dark Ages of Camelot, Rift, Elders Scrolls Online. Yes EVEN the Dreaded World of Warcraft, what a waste of buying the game and wasting a whole month on that. I also played alot of other Game Console Games, but Everquest keeps calling me back with another Expansion and New content to see. I have bought every expansion for Everquest and for all 3 of my Accounts.

I had a fourth that I was using just to have a Merchant when Luclin came out. Back when you would have to have a constant merchant to sell item. But back then I didn't complain because it was still a step up from East Commonlands and lag spikes from trying to sell your wares by Torch 2 or 3.

I don't have a favorite expansion because I liked them all. New Content meant New Challenges and I think that is what I loved about everquest. Still throughout the years, I still came back to Everquest. To Me, it is one of the Greatest Games I ever played.
# Mar 24 2015 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
The great times we had in the pvp servers! I remember a battle between hundreds of players in and around Black Burrow. It was a team server, the Barbarians were coming down from Halas to attack Qeynos Humans.. the battle went on for hours, there were so many corpses you couldn't count them or even see the ground. Many of them were mine lol.
16 Years of Everquest
# Mar 24 2015 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
My best day in Everquest was when my guild took down Innoruk before the revamp, we were the last ones to do it. It was revamped three days later. Right after the raid I finished my epic 1.0 on a half elf ranger, very proud day.
My memories with EverQuest
# Mar 24 2015 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
What do I love about Everquest?

The breadth of things to do in the game. I may not agree with changes made by those with "say" all the time, but I can go do something else that I do enjoy until things change or a new expansion (with most likely new ideas) come out.

The lists of things we've made over time - could be maps, locations of named/NPC, rezzes we've given, zones we wanted to visit but haven't yet, people that we grouped with, items we want to camp but haven't gotten yet and so much more.

(For myself,
  • First person I ever rezzed (besides my family who got me to play) was September 30, 2001 and it was for a level 51 rogue named Deemoore.
  • First group I ever had (again outside my friends/family) was September 29, 2001 in Crystal Caverns. My husband and I had a level 36 pally named Dawgrin join us. My notes about him were "pulls fast, helps others".
  • Items I still have on my list to camp for - the pally BP click from Emp Ssra, Steppes Portal Clicky, Blackfeather Roost Access and the PoA shield with root clicky from Chamberlain Escalardian (think that's his name, couldn't read my writing)
Mistress Artisan Crystilla The Persistent Serving Wench, The Hand of Serilis
Phoenix Ascending / Erollisi Marr server
Love EQ
# Mar 24 2015 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I started playing EQ 6 months after launch. I fondly recall the 4 hour trek to Freeport from Halas to get my level 9 toon into my first guild. It was an awesome adventure and still to this day I remember it fondly!
Love Everquest
# Mar 24 2015 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
The thing I like about EQ the most is the other players. We have met some of the most coolest people in random LFGs or just someone looking for a quick buff before they venture out into the world. Its the camaraderie I love the best!
EQ real life HERO
# Mar 24 2015 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
EQ helped me separate and finally divorce my first wife. Thank You!!
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 24 2015 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Ive played EQ since 1999 and met a lot of people who have come and gone, but always tend to come back. I used to love doing Tipt runs and although it didn't seem much fun at the time, the named kyv at the end could wipe us if we were really lucky. The prize at the time was a bracer of Time gear quality, and our guild was having trouble breaking into time, so the risk more than made up for the reward!
# Mar 24 2015 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
fabled are the best part of eq
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 24 2015 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I have been playing Everquest since Beta, yes on and off but it has never left my side. I can recall many memories and fond moments. Getting my first Res in Unrest so I didn't have to run all the way back from Kaladim, Logging into Beta when I finally got accepted, making a wood elf and running right off Kelethin and going splat, being almost level 25 and not knowing there was more to the game other than Qeynos, Qeynos Hills, Blackburrow, and North Karana, waiting patiently on J-Boots camp list, finally getting the frenzied camp in lower guk and camping it for 36 hrs straight so I could goto EC tunnel and sell however many FBSS's I got during that time frame, and so much more. In all that though nothing can compare to the players. From the most giving and helpful to the rudest and most awful players you can think of. Remembering those memories are great but its because of the people I remember them. Everquest has brought many millions players together, some bad, some good, some great, but when its all over and done we all still joke and laugh about every player we have come across. So all in all my best experience, cherished moment, or anything related to Everquest boils down to the players. Thank you all for sharing time out of your days with me, thank you for the advice and help when asked, even thank you to all the rude and inconsiderate players for showing me how not to act and play this game, lastly Thank 989 Studios for creating a game to bring people from all over the world together.

# Mar 24 2015 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
My charished memory of eq was a bunch of friends fighting at orc highway way back in the day and watching other players pull from spec island and yelling in general chat train to zone lol
So many memories
# Mar 24 2015 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
EQ really changed my life. I started in September 1999 on Karana server, and played during 5 fantastic years. I met so many interesting people and had so much fun raiding The Hole, Plane of Sky, Chardock, ... and I met my wife in game ! Since F2P I come back sometimes but without friends everything is different ...

Will love EQ forever !
The Hook - Innothule Swamp
# Mar 24 2015 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
I'll start with the first time I really knew I wanted to play this game... Before my long tenure on Lanys, I played a Paladin on Solu Ro. I remember getting a group in Upper Guk so while in Innothule Swamp at the entrance to Upper Guk I noticed a Bard sitting at the entrance but he was completely decked out in plate and these cool weapons. There was probably 3-5 people gathered around him inspecting him and asking where he got his gear. He was 50 obviously and everyone in our group knew we had a lot of work to do. I took screenshots of his inventory, went to various fan sites, made gear lists and goals. Found drop locations and printed maps. I knew that I wanted to look and be as cool as that guy. Understanding I was in High School then but it was such a cool moment at the time and you rarely have those moments in MMO's today. High levels are tucked away in instances and/or raids and community is completely segregated an no long a part of the world.

Muligan Van'Jurai
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