EQ2 Quest:Minds Behind the Barrage  

EverQuest II
Launch Dates
    November 11, 2014 (All Access)
    November 25, 2014 (F2P)

[102] Minds Behind the Barrage (Solo)
Category: Phantom Sea
To start: ( 702, 351, 39 )

  • At least 1 45 80 

I am to search the hills of western Highpass on Kithicor Island, in Phantom Sea, for anything that may reveal the minds behind the unrelenting undead attack upon Castle Highhold.

  1. Search north-western paths of Highpass: the update is at 1124, 286, -124
  2. Slay the Akhevan lifetaker (102^H) and his risen Shralok (102vH)
  3. Kill 4 Akhevan attackers on top of mountains just to the south.
  4. Locate Waulon Highpebble within the craggy peaks at 657, 394, 259 .
  5. He is being attacked by 2 Akhevans. Kill them
Return to Waulon Highpebble


Head item.

Clerical Error Phantom Sea
Quest Series
Castle Highhold
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This page last modified 2015-02-06 12:43:58.