
Usage: {{Aion|options|option2|option3|cat=|catdesc=|nolink=|nowiki=|nobanner=|thumbs=|checks=}}

NOTE: This template should appear somewhere on EVERY Wikibase page that falls within the Aion game wiki and does not contain some other template that already places it in Category:Aion.

if options is:

option2 and option3 are not used by all GameTags. See the specific docs, below, for information.

if nolink= is not blank, display the tag but add no category links.

if nowiki= is not blank, this game does not support the wiki but we do have a game site for it (Lineage II is a good example). In this case we still want a game tag to flag articles in the ZAM wiki that refer to the game, but it cannot link to a Wiki Main Page for the game, since there isn't one.

On games that use the www.zam.com skin (Runes of Magic, Vanguard, The Agency, DC Universe Online, etc.), nobanner= will suppress the game banner on the Page Title line.

thumbs= and checks= are NEW options that must be specifically enabled for the games where they will be used. They enable a link under the gametag to show the category page as thumbnails or as a checklist and should be used ONLY on category pages! Talk to Bludwyng if this confuses you. :)

The graphic displayed in the tag should be located at Aion (Game Icon), a page that should have the image uploaded to it, and contain the following code:


NOTE: This template calls GameTag to perform the actual display. The documentation you are viewing now can be viewed/edited at GameTag Docs.

Unlike most gamebases, where the gametag is intended to go ANYWHERE on the page,usually top or bottom, Aion's gametag is designed for the top. This is because of the inclusion of the MenuBar in the gametag code.


For QZ only, if not blank any links to a zone Quest Series page is suppressed.

Additional Options

In addition to the standard GameTag options, the following values for option are defined for this game. Use of Q, M, or I indicates a placeholder page with some notes that should be combined with the complete template, later.

optionMeaningRelevant Categories and Usage Notes
Q, M, I, O, PQuest, Mob, Item, Object, PlaceCategory:Un-Templated Pages If Q, P, M or O, option2 is the name of the zone and option3 is the place. For Q, use where it Starts. These option1 values should be used only on "stub" pages, when running thru a zone doing the initial quick-pass before going back and fully filling in the pages with the correct template, etc. This is just a shorthand version. I can also add setname= and settype=.
ITItem TypeItem Types (Aion). If you do not want auto-display of icons by quality, add >noicons=y
ICItems by ClassItems by Class (Aion)
ISItems by SlotItems by Slot (Aion)
MTMob TypeMob Types (Aion)
MRMob RatingMob Ratings (Aion)
MRankMob RanksMob Ranks (Aion)
MPMobs by PlaceMobs by Place (Aion). Use option2 for the zone this place is in. If option2 is null, page is added to Category:Mobs by Place missing Zone.
MZMobs by ZoneMobs by Zone (Aion)
MERCHANTMerchantMerchant (Aion Mob Type)
OTObject TypeObject Types (Aion)
OPObjects by PlaceObjects by Place (Aion). Use option2 for the zone this place is in. If option2 is null, page is added to Category:Objects by Place missing Zone.
OZObjects by ZoneObjects by Zone (Aion)
RNTResource Node TypeResource Node Types (Aion)
PPPlaces by PlacePlaces by Place (Aion). Use option2 for the zone this place is in. If option2 is null, page is added to Category:Places by Place missing Zone.
PZPlaces by ZonePlaces by Zone (Aion)
QPQuests by PlaceQuests by Place (Aion). Use option2 for the zone this place is in. If option2 is null, page is added to Category:Quests by Place missing Zone.
QZQuests by ZoneQuests by Zone (Aion). Use option2 for the race this zone belongs to. This will add a link to the racial Campaign quest series.
WEWeapons by ElementWeapons by Element (Aion).
WTWeapon TypesWeapon (Aion Item Type).
WOWork OrdersWork Orders (Aion).
WCWork Orders by CraftWork Orders by Craft (Aion).
DA or DCDesigns by CraftDesigns by Craft (Aion). The A in DA was for Designs by Artisan, but I changed that. DC is the preferred option.
DbCcraft Designs by ClassificationDesigns by Craft and Classification (Aion). option2 is the Crafting Profession.
DbCCDesigns by Craft and ClassificationDesigns by Craft and Classification (Aion). Cats that are in DbC are members of DbCC.
RACERaceRaces (Aion)
FACTIONFactionFactions (Aion)
BOOKBooksBooks (Aion)
SKILLSkillsSkills (Aion)
SCSkills by ClassSkills by Class (Aion)
SERVERServersServers (Aion)
GUILDGuildsGuilds (Aion)
Aion: Core Templates Quest Mob / Mob2 Item Place / Place 2 Object/Object 2 Zone
The above navigation bar is not part of this template's output. It is for your assistance, only.

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

Asmodian Warrior
This template was created or is maintained by
Blood for blood!

This page last modified 2012-05-07 13:51:59.