The place holder is at the location shown on the image above. However, the spawn time is about 9 hours. You get the place holder or you get the Leader.
It has been a long time since I have ventured to DSP. However I believe that the trigger is to continously kill the regular tribal lookouts and hunters that spawn at the rocks in front of ME zone line. You must be careful when pulling this camp due to the fact that players in trouble will often drag trains to you while they are fleeing to ME.
My advice is to stay to the left or right hand ridge. Use a harmony or mez to single pull the camp until you break the camp. Then it is pretty easy for a good group to hold the camp and to get the tribal leader to spawn at least twice in a few hours time.
But it has been a long time since I have been, so my memory may be off or camp has been changed.
Safe hunting.
Elevar Illumnimarr Paladin of Mithaniel Marr, 51st sword year Norrathian Collective
We (52 mage, 52 ranger, 56 druid) were there killing tribals for about 4 hours last night. Cleared the entire cave a couple times except fo the lvl 60 Tribal Advisor and what was in his room. Some posts say you need to kill Advisor a few times to get leader to spawn, others say that leader spawns without killing advisor. If anyone knows for sure I'd love to hear it. In the meantime we're going to go back with a full group and take out advisor this week and see what happens.
Edited, Thu Apr 8 21:13:32 2004
Sindailia - DE Mage-ess of 65 seasons Sinful - NE Huntress of 49 swooshes
This also droped a: Slated Sword Magic, Lore, No drop Primary, Secondary 1H Slashing Delay 24, Dmg 8 Wt: 4.5, Size Tiny Class: War, Pal, Rng, Shd Race: All