
Quest NPC

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

After killing Agnarr you must head upstairs to Karana and:

You say, 'Hail, Karana'

Karana looks down at _____'s face. He seems so insignificant next to the massive stature of the Rainkeeper. 'Don't worry mortal, Askr is unharmed, I have set him on a journey that will take him to all corners of this reality. He will either find the balance of the Fallen or he will die trying. And what of you champions? Do you wish to (follow the path of the Fallen:I will follow the path of the Fallen.)? A more dangerous path has never existed. Defy the will of the Pantheon at your peril.

You say, 'I will follow the path of the Fallen.'

Karana begins to laugh quietly. You seem to notice a great storm cloud brewing once more above him. A sudden arching bolt hits you, but you are unharmed. Instead a tome written in the language of the gods appears in your hands. 'Then let what I know be yours to know as well. Your path leads you onward _____. The path to power or ruin, the choice is up to you. Speak the words and I will (send you on your way:Send me on my path.).'

You've received a character flag!

Karana says, 'Karana begins to laugh quietly. You seem to notice a great storm cloud brewing once more above him. A sudden arching bolt hits you, but you are unharmed. Instead a tome written in the language of the gods appears in your hands. 'Then let what I know be yours to know as well. Your path leads you onward _____. The path to power or ruin, the choice is up to you. Speak the words and I will (send you on your way:Send me on my path.).''

You say, 'Send me on my path.'

Karana begins to cast the gate spell.
Karana begins to cast a spell.
You have entered Plane of Knowledge.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-06-17 13:21:12.

Level: 70
Expansion: Planes of Power
Effects Used:GM Gate
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 20:10:41
Factions Decreased:
  The Rainkeeper

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GM Gate
# Mar 02 2019 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
Casts "GM Gate" to send you back to your spawn point after you say "Send me on my path".
New lore discussion between Karana and Askr
# Jun 17 2017 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
203 posts
From the January 18, 2017 patch notes:

- Karana the Rainkeeper (Raid) - Restored a dialog that was intended to take place between Askr the Lost and Karana at the conclusion of this event.

Some new lore text was added, and some new [bracketed keywords] were explicitly bracketed that were not before.

After you defeat Agnarr the Storm Lord:

[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] Your faction standing with Agnarr has been adjusted by -150.
[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] Your faction standing with The Rainkeeper has been adjusted by 30.
[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 30.
[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] You gain party experience (with a bonus)!
[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] The storms surrounding Agnarr grow silent for a moment before erupting into a violent fury. They then calm as suddenly as they erupted. Small swirls of wind and power dance over Agnarr's body as his last breath escapes his lips.
[Sat May 27 15:51:56 2017] You have slain Agnarr the Storm Lord!

Then a version of Askr the Lost climbs the stairs up to Karana and they talk:

[Sat May 27 15:52:47 2017] Askr the Lost shouts, 'Rainkeeper!'

[Sat May 27 15:52:48 2017] Karana stirs from his place in the shallow pool and rises up. He appears to grow several feet as he stands to his full height. He turns to Askr and smiles weakly. 'Hello, Askr. How long have I been asleep?

[Sat May 27 15:52:48 2017] Askr the Lost says, 'Many months Rainkeeper, the giants have destroyed the towers of the Bastion while you have slept. I have failed you, your trust in me has been misplaced. Much of the plane outside lies in ruins from the uncontrolled rage of the storm that my weakness allowed to happen.'

[Sat May 27 15:52:48 2017] Karana nods solemnly. 'The fault is not yours Askr. It has been a troubled journey for me, but I have found the clairvoyance that was hidden from me. The past, present, and future are aligned in my mind once more. The power of mortals is growing, and the pantheon will not be able to stop it. Knowledge is the key to true power, and the rifts between the plane of Knowledge and the mortal realms that have been opened by the Fallen have put things in motion that cannot be stopped.

[Sat May 27 15:52:48 2017] Askr the Lost says, 'The Fallen?'

The conversation appears to end here, with no reaction to hails to Askr the Lost, and only Karana giving responses now. I could not get a reply from "who are the Fallen?" from either Askr the Lost or from Karana. (Replaced Character's Name with "_____".)

[Sat May 27 15:53:49 2017] You say, 'Hail, Askr the Lost'

[Sat May 27 15:53:54 2017] You say, 'Hail, Karana'

[Sat May 27 15:53:54 2017] Karana looks down at _____'s face. He seems so insignificant next to the massive stature of the Rainkeeper. 'Don't worry mortal, Askr is unharmed, I have set him on a journey that will take him to all corners of this reality. He will either find the balance of the Fallen or he will die trying. And what of you champions? Do you wish to [follow the path of the Fallen:I will follow the path of the Fallen.]? A more dangerous path has never existed. Defy the will of the Pantheon at your peril.

[Sat May 27 15:54:00 2017] You say, 'I will follow the path of the Fallen.'

[Sat May 27 15:54:00 2017] Karana begins to laugh quietly. You seem to notice a great storm cloud brewing once more above him. A sudden arching bolt hits you, but you are unharmed. Instead a tome written in the language of the gods appears in your hands. 'Then let what I know be yours to know as well. Your path leads you onward _____. The path to power or ruin, the choice is up to you. Speak the words and I will [send you on your way:Send me on my path.].'

[Sat May 27 15:54:00 2017] You've received a character flag!

[Sat May 27 15:54:00 2017] Karana says, 'Karana begins to laugh quietly. You seem to notice a great storm cloud brewing once more above him. A sudden arching bolt hits you, but you are unharmed. Instead a tome written in the language of the gods appears in your hands. 'Then let what I know be yours to know as well. Your path leads you onward _____. The path to power or ruin, the choice is up to you. Speak the words and I will [send you on your way:Send me on my path.].''

[Sat May 27 15:55:30 2017] You say, 'Send me on my path.'

[Sat May 27 15:55:31 2017] Karana begins to cast the gate spell.
[Sat May 27 15:55:31 2017] Karana begins to cast a spell. <GM Gate>
[Sat May 27 15:55:32 2017] LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...
[Sat May 27 15:56:00 2017] You have entered Plane of Knowledge.

Edited, Jun 17th 2017 3:26am by RondorNorador
Do it quick
# May 16 2011 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
He doesn't stay around for that long of a time. DO NOT take your time getting to him. By the time I was done killing adds and loaded up Zam to see what to say to him, he had despawned.
Do it quick
# Nov 21 2014 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
It appears he only stays up for 15 minutes.

you must /say I will follow the path of the fallen
flag and gate
# Feb 16 2011 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
You get the flag by saying to Karana : I wish to follow the path of the fallen. This is the progression flag.
You get gated (bind point) if you say to Karana : send me on my path.
Getting out
# Feb 21 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
So what is the proper way of getting out of the zone. Raid killed Agnarr and we all tried to respond to Karana, 'I will follow the path of the fallen' but had no effect. Either we gated, ported or xloc out...
Getting out
# Apr 25 2008 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
send me on my path
For Casefighter
# Nov 13 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Try this Casefighter.

The information obtained from Karana is written in a language that you cannot comprehend.

Agnarr flag done. You have not hailed librarian after completing Mithaniel Marr path.

As you think back to your meeting with Karana the Talisman in your chest warms and a light rain falls from the sky. When you look down, a small book written in a language you can not read, rests in your hands.

Agnarr and Karana completed, but you have not said "what lore" to librarian
how do u fix this
# Nov 08 2004 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
I get the same thing that Janali gets
Last night I was part of a raid to kill Agnarr and get the flag from Karana. Raid was a success but many of us found that when we hailed Karana and said the trigger phrase we did not receive a character flag. When I went to the Seer, she told me that the message from Karana was in a language I could not understand. Can anyone shed some light on this? I thought i had all of the flags needed. Don't have flag for Mithanial Marr, haven't killed Rallos Zek. Please help?
has anyone found out how to fix this

RE: how do u fix this
# Feb 14 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Need LMM and then hail Maelin in PoK library and say "what lore"
RE: how do u fix this
# Sep 25 2006 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
We took down LMM and one member did not get flag, i think its a zoning issue myself, though no proof as of yet
I'm curious
# Jul 18 2004 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
What does Karana say when you talk to him? I've looked through all the posts below and they don't say anything substantive.
I'm curious
# Feb 05 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
A tad late, but here it is!

[Thu Feb 05 16:24:21 2009] You say, 'Hail, Karana'
[Thu Feb 05 16:24:21 2009] Karana looks down at Dafdaf's face. He seems so insignificant next to the massive stature of the Rainkeeper. 'Don't worry mortal, Askr is unharmed, I have set him on a journey that will take him to all corners of this reality. He will either find the balance of the Fallen or he will die trying. And what of you champions? Do you wish to follow the path of the Fallen? A more dangerous path has never existed. Defy the will of the Pantheon at your peril.
[Thu Feb 05 16:24:21 2009] You say, 'I will follow the path of the fallen'
[Thu Feb 05 16:26:10 2009] Karana begins to laugh quietly. You seem to notice a great storm cloud brewing once more above him. A sudden arching bolt hits you, but you are unharmed. Instead a tome written in the language of the gods appears in your hands. 'Then let what I know be yours to know as well. Your path leads you onward Wwein. The path to power or ruin, the choice is up to you. Speak the words and I will send you on your way.'
#REDACTED, Posted: May 21 2004 at 2:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Karana needs a makeover from the FAB 5 and then they can Tea Bag him.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 11 2004 at 7:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL
why cant u kill him
# Dec 23 2003 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
i wanan kill this hippy, rain, lovin flower growing freak, he pisses me off to no end. every friggin time i run through his plains i cant see 3 feet in front of my dang face, they really need to let us get some vengence on this *****
For most morons
# Nov 04 2003 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
I've beeen reading some posts saying that these gods look better than others well thats because Inny, Tunare, Briste Bane Ect were created before Luclin... And well to be honest the best place to go (If druid) PoG no KOS mobs no lag noone is ever in the zone (Unless raid but most plare don't raid PoG) So yes they need to update the old Gods but before you put them down before going in the zone don't post )
RE: For most morons
# Nov 13 2003 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
312 posts
Actually, all gods had a model in the game when it shipped. It's just that they only used a couple, because there weren't many planes in the game when it shipped (PoFear was the only one, and it might have been added shortly after the game shipped).

It's just that the old models, pretty much look like old models. That's why Luclin models were introduced; because the old models dated the game, and SOE wanted it to remain fresh and new looking, even though it's an old game.

The original god models that are used in the game now are:

Cazic Thule

The rest have had complete make-overs since the orginal game shipped.
RE: For most morons
# Sep 02 2004 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
Bristlebane still appears as the origional model I belive.

And since Brell has never appeared other than in GM events I'd imagine he doesn't have a revamped model either.
RE: For most morons
# Aug 10 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Luclin was not SoE, Luclin was Verant. Though it IS the last thing Verant ever did with EQ. Planes of Power was SoE's first expansion for EQ.

Edit: Just to clarify, yes, technically Verant was bought out before the time of release, but it's still Verant's release, really.

Edited, Tue Aug 10 18:31:02 2004
RE: For most morons
# Apr 26 2004 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
Not true; Tunare doesn't have a new model.
RE: For most morons
# Jul 21 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
There is also an old Solusek Ro (I think, might be Fennin) model that used to exist in the pre-vamped Plane of Mischief. He looked quite silly. It was a little doll of him and there were several of the gods that ran around. He's technically the only one that changed since he never existed during Velious.
Karana flag
# Oct 17 2003 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Last night I was part of a raid to kill Agnarr and get the flag from Karana. Raid was a success but many of us found that when we hailed Karana and said the trigger phrase we did not receive a character flag. When I went to the Seer, she told me that the message from Karana was in a language I could not understand. Can anyone shed some light on this? I thought i had all of the flags needed. Don't have flag for Mithanial Marr, haven't killed Rallos Zek. Please help?
RE: Karana flag
# Jul 22 2004 at 4:32 AM Rating: Default
You need the Mithanial Marr flag to "understand" what Karana told you. It's the information mentioned when you did the plane of justice trial. Where they told you to seek out Marr and Karana

"Mavuin tells you, 'So you have pleaded my case to the Tribunal, I am most thankful. I hope that they will listen to my case soon and release me. The knowledge that I promised you is this. The followers in the Plane of Tranquility are trying to find information on what has happened to Zebuxoruk. What I know is that he has been captured for a second time. If you want to find out more information I believe you should seek an audience with Karana and Mithaniel Marr. I can only assume that they were present at the time of his capture and know why this has taken place. Also seek from Marr a way to translate the divine language. Only with it can you understand the writing of the gods. There is no more that I can tell you, but thank you once again for your attempt in returning my freedom.' "

Edited, Thu Jul 22 05:35:08 2004
RE: Karana flag
# Jan 13 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
I get the same message, Jenali. But I just maxed out all my languages, in hopes that this makes a difference. I will repost here after I go see the Seer and find out if I needed some language to change this or not.

(I'll send you word in-game as well, if I see you on)

65 Shadowknight
RE: Karana flag
# Feb 21 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Default
32 posts
The short answer is that you now need the Rallos flag to access Water/Earth/Air planes.

No amount of norrathian langage learning will give you knowledge of the "divine language" (which is what the message is written in).
God vs. God
# Aug 14 2003 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
Whoah. This guy looks tight. Way better than Tunare *cough*(that stupid goody, goody)*cough* looks. If I was good. I'd pick him as my diety
# Aug 01 2003 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
Wow, I always thought Karana would be female

Just sounds like a girl's name, doesn't it...
Maybe Sony/Verant are hiding something about Karana lol
RE: A....Male?
# Jul 21 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
I assume you're pronouncing it like "Kah-ran-ah" (like banana) or "Kay-rah-nah" (like "they ran, ah") when I do believe it's pronounced "Kah-Rah-nah." Emphasis on the second syllable.

I'm just an English freak and that's how I've always said it.
RE: A....Male?
# Feb 17 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
If you ever read ANYTHING about the gods at all karana is described as a male, Actually if you read the post right before this one you can see that.
RE: A....Male?
# Oct 10 2003 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
look at his cloak, its teal, what kind of male wheres teal
RE: A....Male?
# Nov 25 2003 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
What kinda chick has a gotee like that?
RE: A....Male?
# Apr 13 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
22 posts
Ever seen a female dwarf?
RE: A....Male?
# Jul 07 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Default
I also thought that Karana was a women...but know i see he's a guy...I think that it'd be a really really cool GM event if Tunare and Karana got married. Lots and lots of people would come to the wedding and then Karana could be like "Ahhh!! Where is the wedding ring??!!! Well lets see...I was walking through North ro on the way here...and then i went to...blah blah blah", then someone would have to go find the wedding ring that he lost by the clues he would give about where it might be, then the person would find "the sacred wedding ring" or something like that, bring it back to Karana, turn it in..and get something like Oakwynd...or someother amazingly uber artifact...
Now THAT would be cool =P
# Aug 01 2003 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
75 posts
"Karana is allied with Tunare and Mithaniel Marr. Bertoxxulous is his enemy. Followers of Karana, the Rainkeeper, believe in the absolute power of storms. They worship the life-giving power of the rain and respect the destructive force of a sandstorm or hurricane. Typical followers of Karana are rural humanoids - farmers, ranchers, hunters, and the like. They will often offer strangers shelter from the elements. Many of Karana's followers live a nomadic lifestyle, travelling where the winds take them. They are humble, generous people who value strength and honesty and brook no disrespect of Karana or of his work for they know it is only through his wisdom and kindness that all of Norrath is not consumed in an eternal tempest."

Niolen Silvertree
Druid of the 52nd season
Worshipper of Tunare
Player on Mithaniel Marr

# Jul 02 2003 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I was told that you can run behind him and say the phrase to Karana without fighting/killing Agnarr...is this true?
RE: Flag
# Aug 04 2003 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
Flag sentence
# Jun 18 2003 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
What is the exact phrase you have to say to receive the flag?
RE: Flag sentence
# Jul 29 2003 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
497 posts
"I will follow the path of the fallen"

Good luck :)
Pissed Off
# May 10 2003 at 3:45 AM Rating: Default
I don't know about you guys but this guy looks ROYALLY pissed off.

Druid of the 50th season
Worshipper of Tunare
RE: Pissed Off
# Jun 06 2003 at 1:35 AM Rating: Default
If Agnarr and his band of giants took over your plane, you'd be pissed off too!

Edited, Fri Jun 6 02:28:22 2003
# Mar 31 2003 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
whoa, i that karana would be a chick
RE: what
# Apr 28 2003 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
300 posts
Why would you think Karana is female? In every drawing and text reference to Karana throughout the game, including the manual and strat guide listing all the gods, Karana is a male.
This guy is for the Flag
# Jan 25 2003 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
Like all the below posts are saying......if you dont read them read this one...... Karana is for a char flag only.....He has no drops or any other uses..

Hes just a tool

Player Wise
65th cleric
sullon zek

RE: This guy is for the Flag
# Jan 31 2003 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
He's not just a tool, he is a God.

But you dont have to kill him for any reason, just help him.
#REDACTED, Posted: May 23 2003 at 2:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ahh, but he is a tool, he needs to be rescued by your silly buttox.
All of these posts are BS
# Jan 15 2003 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
You don't kill Karana, and even if you do for some reason you'll get nothing.

You kill Agnarr the Storm Lord, and as soon as he dies Karana wakes up from his coma and you get a flag from him. Agnarr drops the Crystallized Rain not Karana. I know cause he dropped it for us tonight.
# Jan 10 2003 at 6:15 AM Rating: Default
I killed him the other night.....max hit was around 1056 and he was pure melee + slowable ~....no special attacks dropped (nothing)....this is just a gimp mob with a faction hit /shrug
That stick
# Jan 09 2003 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
I was wondering what that big stick he uses is, and if it drops or if its just a purty picture... just wondering
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