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The following pages link to
eq2 item:Norrathian Express Box, New Halas Branch
EQ2 Quest:Becoming Another Orcbane
EQ2 Object:East Freeport World Bell
eq2 mob:Bergard Crichheart
EQ2 Quest:Off to the Ossuary
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Pants
EQ2 Mob:Borgard Goldenswill
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Three Sharp Jaws
Adorner (EQ2 Profession)
City of New Halas (EQ2)
EQ2 Object:Stonebrunt Highlands Spires
eq2 item:a broken tap
EQ2 Item:A verdant druid ring
eq2 mob:a crustose defender
eq2 mob:Yasha Redblade
EQ2 Mob:Ledvin Axethrower
eq2 mob:Jalfa Eiskairn
EQ2 Mob:a reanimated Ry'Gorr
eq2 item:elaborate coldain crate
EQ2 Mob:Corna Kilgour
EQ2 Mob:a froglok citizen
eq2 mob:a frigid cuttlefish
EQ2 Mob:Mikhail Eiskroft
EQ2 Quest:Along the Watchtower
EQ2 Quest:To The Great Shelf!
eq2 item:bear pelt cleaner
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Netherpetal Nibblers
EQ2 Object:Chrykori Island Griffon Station
EQ2 Quest:Kidnapped Kejek
EQ2 Object:Scale Yard Bell To Within Freeport
eq2 item:a chiseled mirror
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr marauder
EQ2 Quest:Restored To Glory
eq2 mob:Padraig McDougal
eq2 mob:Charwig Spalloch
EQ2 Mob:Mistress Thora
EQ2 Quest:Through the Eyes of the Spies
eq2 mob:Knut Orcbane
EQ2 Quest:Fangs Away!
eq2 mob:Ordin Sleetfoot
eq2 mob:Plurpp Bogthumb
eq2 mob:The Volatile Snowflurry
EQ2 Quest:All That Remains
eq2 mob:Svenstoffur Byrton
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Helm
EQ2 Zone:Frostfang Sea
EQ2 Zone:Kylong Plains
EQ2 Mob:Dagbart Falkren
EQ2 Mob:Torvil Beastamer
EQ2 Quest:The Dreadguard's Extracurricular Activities
EQ2 Quest:Loosening Their Grip
EQ2 Quest:Slay it Forward
EQ2 Mob:a Ry'Gorr tunneler
eq2 item:Ravens of the North negotiator sleeves
EQ2 Quest:Field Testing Part Two
EQ2 Mob:a sprinting Ry'Gorr gatecaller
eq2 item:bear-hunting cap
eq2 item:a Paineel bath
EQ2 Quest:Recycle Your Minions: Part Two
eq2 mob:Norgan Grayhammer
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Feathers in the Sun
EQ2 Quest:Mystery on the Orc Iceberg
EQ2 Quest:Cutting Your Teeth by Cutting Theirs
eq2 mob:a newly risen Ry'Gorr
EQ2 Mob:a barbarian trader
EQ2 Object:North Freeport World Bell
eq2 item:bear-skinning knife
EQ2 Item:Ravens of the North ceremonial smithing vest
eq2 mob:an iceshell snapper
eq2 mob:a rumbling geode
EQ2 Collection:Guide Dolls Series 01
EQ2 Mob:a griffon tamer
EQ2 Mob:Barker Gordon
EQ2 Quest:Trusted Referral
EQ2 Quest:Recycle Your Minions: Part Three
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Shoulderpads
EQ2 Quest:Displaced and Discouraged
eq2 mob:Dandi McCarren
EQ2 Quest:Searching for Sojourners
EQ2 Quest:Sometimes You Feel Like a Knut
EQ2 Quest:Third Party Assistance
eq2 mob:Verien Skysigh
eq2 mob:a velinoid clasher
Category:Druid Rings (EQ2)
EQ2 Mob:Eidnar Aartsson
EQ2 Quest:Calling Them Back
EQ2 Quest:Skulls for the Taking
EQ2 Object:Icegill Lake Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Old Kelethin Acorn Lift Teleport Pad
EQ2 Quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Delivery
EQ2 Mob:Berguff Fullbeard
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Creepy Orbs
eq2 mob:Marlthra Bluemaul
eq2 mob:a Coldain spiritcaller
EQ2 Object:Pyreflyte's Nest
EQ2 Mob:a Ry'Gorr necromancer
eq2 item:shipwrecked scavenged table
EQ2 Quest:Nothing To Waste
eq2 mob:Audmer Glenson
eq2 mob:a young froglok citizen
eq2 faction:The Ravens of the North
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Slitherstrike Mambas
EQ2 Mob:a pirate first mate
EQ2 Mob:a blizzard grizzly
eq2 mob:an Ulteran network scholar
eq2 mob:Adeveig Crichwell
EQ2 Quest:The Erudin Chef
eq2 mob:Baughilda Ramcaid
eq2 item:Halas Blizzard Grizzly Trophy
EQ2 Quest:Pilgrim Scout
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr reanimator
EQ2 Quest:Cod and Chips
EQ2 Quest:Guide Them to Destiny
EQ2 Item:coldain weapon rack
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Leg Guards
EQ2 Mob:Binny Shortwand
EQ2 Object:Steamfont Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Chomper's Pond Horse Station
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Gauntlets
EQ2 Mob:Topher Channing
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Leis in the Forest
Kaladim (EQ2 Quest Series)
EQ2 Object:Wolf's Wrath
eq2 item:Halasian feasting table
EQ2 Mob:a luminous snowflurry
EQ2 Mob:Padraig McDouglas
eq2 mob:Ore Coldstein
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 7
eq2 mob:a colossal frigid cuttlefish
eq2 mob:Corwin Frostbeard
eq2 mob:Orrim Thest
EQ2 Quest:Looking for Lochanya
EQ2 Mob:Berta Isholm
EQ2 Zone:Everfrost
EQ2 Item:Ravens of the North ceremonial smithing pants
EQ2 Object:Frostfang Sea World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Bartering Crystals
EQ2 Mob:an iceflow
EQ2 Object:Stonestair Byway Bell To Within Freeport
eq2 item:frosty Halasian barrels
eq2 mob:a priest of Marr
eq2 mob:a priest of Marr
eq2 mob:a priest of Marr
EQ2 Object:The Ice Breaker
EQ2 Quest:Perfectly Missing
EQ2 Quest:A Murky Miasma of a Mystery
EQ2 Mob:a frigid whirlstorm
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Whirling Maelstroms
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Highland Fearstalkers
eq2 mob:Kagak Firecheek
EQ2 Mob:Dolur Axebeard
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr ambusher
EQ2 Mob:Villgerd Gregorson
EQ2 Item:Glacial Staff
EQ2 Object:Beggars Court Bell To Within Freeport
eq2 mob:a glacial scoundrel
eq2 item:a flavorful berry
EQ2 Mob:a velinoid smasher
EQ2 Mob:Libbit Swampchild
EQ2 Mob:Scion of Khaalista
eq2 item:Ravens of the North negotiator mitts
EQ2 Mob:Sister Katey Dalwynn
Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
eq2 item:Kindly: Ravens of the North
eq2 mob:an icewing ray
EQ2 Mob:Durf Orcslasher
eq2 mob:Agold Spalcaid
eq2 mob:an ice drake hatchling
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Hawks on the Steppes
EQ2 Mob:Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver
eq2 mob:The Deadly Icestorm
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Chestguard
EQ2 Mob:Catherine Bowne
eq2 item:ripe pomegranate
Category:Mariner's Bells
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: A Chilling Shrilling Canyon
EQ2 Collection:Guide Doodads Series One
eq2 quest:Ride Upon the Gwenevyn II
EQ2 Mob:Belka Thunderheart
EQ2 Mob:Ottbegn Hunmont
EQ2 Quest:The Demand for Supplies
eq2 mob:Ilna Flameleg
EQ2 Item:Ravens of the North negotiator boots
EQ2 Mob:Researcher Yurgo Goldspell
EQ2 Quest:A Kejek in the Garden
eq2 item:Single Red Rose
EQ2 Item:hanging coldain coals
eq2 mob:an ancient goremaw
EQ2 Mob:a snowpack
EQ2 Object:Butcherblock And Greater Faydark Travel Disc
EQ2 Object:North Qeynos World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Disarming the Ry'Gorr
EQ2 Mob:Ricka Stonehide
Kelethin Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Forest Brownies
EQ2 Mob:Brrop Gloryblade
EQ2 Mob:a rebellious rock roller
EQ2 Item:Blessed Shrubbery
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Beetles on the Block
EQ2 Quest:Assisting Jaswinda
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr zealot
EQ2 Object:Klak'Anon Travel Disc
EQ2 Quest:Audible Observations
EQ2 Quest:Crushing Their Spirits
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Buzzing About the Wetlands
eq2 mob:Arnbjorg Galnedy
eq2 mob:Haegabo Ironmaul
eq2 mob:Olga Macleod
Frostfang Sea (EQ2 Quest Series)
EQ2 Quest:The Absent Effigy
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Up to Icy Nonsense
EQ2 Quest:Unearthing the Moon
EQ2 Object:The Ruins Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Object:Tae Ew Horse Station
EQ2 Mob:Sister Thog MacGilly
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Vest
EQ2 Item:sloppy cod guts
eq2 mob:Gem-Forger of Khaalista
eq2 mob:an ice drake
EQ2 Object:Lavastorm World Bell
eq2 item:a sweet berry
EQ2 Quest:Taking a Different Path
EQ2 Quest:Pilgrim Pelts
EQ2 Zone:Cave of Illboding Dark: The Source
EQ2 Mob:Dannon Ramsdell
EQ2 Mob:an icemane patriarch
EQ2 Quest:Feeding the Flame of Yore
EQ2 Quest:I Think They're Paranoid
EQ2 Item:Wayfarer's Boots
eq2 mob:Wendy Spearhook
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Big Thundering Crabs
EQ2 Object:Ry'Gorr Isle
eq2 quest:Could Be of Use
New Halas Housing (EQ2)
eq2 item:a broken metal foot
EQ2 Object:Kelethin First Regional Bank Teleport Pad
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Pond Piranhas
EQ2 Faction:The City of New Halas
Category:Magic Carpet Station
EQ2 Mob:Taskmaster Ru'Grof
eq2 mob:a woolly silkspinner
eq2 mob:a goremaw
eq2 item:a broken piece of enamel
eq2 mob:a large Iceclad cod
eq2 item:Antiqued Ceremonial Leggings
eq2 mob:Raid Captain Korzug
eq2 mob:Ryni Frostfoot
eq2 mob:a downy kestrel
EQ2 Quest:Whirling Ice Time
EQ2 Item:Ham and Beans
eq2 mob:Pretchon Ironstein
eq2 mob:Thoradgur Coldleg
EQ2 Mob:Mirva Kilgour
Category:Sokokar Post
EQ2 Quest:The Drudge Report
eq2 mob:Splorpy Quagmarr
eq2 mob:Assistant Warden Bjerne
eq2 mob:Deird MacAlister
EQ2 Item:Pirate Captain's Helmsman
EQ2 Object:New Halas Storage And Containment
EQ2 Mob:Baden Moonheart
EQ2 Item:Male Topiaric Mannequin
eq2 mob:Jaisen Tutwhittle
EQ2 Item:coldain leather bound book
EQ2 Mob:Priest Aaronolis Swornlove
eq2 mob:a harassed barbarian
eq2 mob:a harassed barbarian
eq2 mob:a harassed barbarian
eq2 mob:Nohr Flamel
eq2 mob:Lif Erronson
EQ2 Item:Wool Rug of New Beginnings
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Shoulder Guard
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Hot Rubble
EQ2 Mob:Damodar
EQ2 Quest:Highly Flammable Materials
EQ2 Mob:an iksar warrior
EQ2 Object:Hopson's Humble Abode
eq2 zone:Cave of Illboding Dark
EQ2 Zone:The Pillars of Flame
eq2 mob:Botgard Ramdonald
EQ2 Quest:Dispelling Elements
eq2 mob:a blue manta
eq2 item:Coldain Defender's Boots
EQ2 Mob:Kyna Blackhammer
eq2 item:Navigator's Globe of Norrath
eq2 mob:a giant goremaw
EQ2 Object:Three Toes Valley Horse Station
EQ2 Zone:Underfoot Depths
eq2 mob:a frozen pincer
Category:Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Grove Of Stones
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr invader
eq2 mob:an iceclad cod
eq2 mob:a blizzard matron
eq2 item:Unlit Halasian Andiron
EQ2 Object:New Tunaria Horse Station
eq2 mob:Tad Ironstein
EQ2 Quest:Shedding Some Lightstones on the Void
EQ2 Item:Frozen Pincer Chowder
EQ2 Mob:Helvgardh Nesnedy
eq2 mob:a celebrating barbarian
EQ2 Quest:Griffon Egg for the Nektulos Tower Stations
EQ2 Mob:Odon Scourgeson
EQ2 Mob:Jailaya
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr bushwacker
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Mantas in Deep Water
EQ2 Object:Defiled Forest Horse Station
EQ2 Quest:Ry'Gorr Tool Taking
EQ2 Zone:The Feerrott
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Insectivorous Nibblers
EQ2 Quest:Scraggly Foodstuffs
EQ2 Zone:Neriak, City of Hate
eq2 item:a small display case
eq2 mob:a primal iceshell snapper
EQ2 Item:A white granite druid ring
EQ2 Quest:The Kejek Mason
EQ2 Mob:Igdor Steelthorn
EQ2 Quest:Bone Dust is a Must
eq2 mob:Warden Bretta
EQ2 Quest:Recycle Your Minions: Part One
EQ2 Mob:an icemane matriarch
EQ2 Mob:Tirla Gravelheart
EQ2 Object:Kelethin World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Nap Time for Evigis
EQ2 Object:The Great Guard Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Destroyed Druid Ring
EQ2 Object:Spears' Rest
EQ2 Quest:Tribute to the Huntress
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr shock trooper
Category:Transportation (EQ2)
EQ2 Quest:The Gauntlet
EQ2 Object:The Frozen Statue Of The Ice Maiden
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Stalking the Fear
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Boots
EQ2 Object:Feerrott World Bell
EQ2 Mob:Trainer Lillgard Thunderrider
eq2 mob:Roti Graykeg
EQ2 Item:sloppy fish gut bucket
EQ2 Zone:Enchanted Lands
EQ2 Item:Ravens of the North negotiator pantaloons
EQ2 Mob:Battlemaster Golben
EQ2 Object:Nektulos Forest World Bell
EQ2 Object:Hollowfrost Grove Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Bonemire Spires
EQ2 Collection:Halas Postage Collection
EQ2 Object:Rivervale Horse Station
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Basking in Ash
eq2 item:an empty Paineel bath
EQ2 Mob:Hillfred Kinloch
EQ2 Mob:a gnome researcher
eq2 mob:a tormented barbarian
eq2 mob:a tormented barbarian
eq2 mob:a tormented barbarian
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Gloves
eq2 mob:Rakan Rockbreaker
eq2 item:Old Salt's Mariner's Bell
eq2 mob:Wolfom Bonetooth
eq2 mob:a coldain defender
EQ2 Quest:Foiling the Flank
eq2 item:Amiable: Ravens of the North
EQ2 Quest:An Essential Ingredient
EQ2 Item:Tablet of Draconic Runes
EQ2 Collection:Guide Doodads Series Four
EQ2 Quest:Trust Issues
eq2 mob:Keden McFurkins
eq2 item:Woven Rug of the Protector
EQ2 Mob:Kastor Glimmerbit
eq2 mob:Orica Deadshot
eq2 mob:a glacial miscreant
EQ2 Quest:Ry'Gorr Mining Operations
eq2 item:Warmly: Ravens of the North
EQ2 Object:White Lodge
eq2 item:Frost-Touched Helm
EQ2 Mob:The Risen Ry'Gorr Conqueror
eq2 mob:Battlepriest Herga
EQ2 Mob:an iksar observer
eq2 mob:Naiish Wulfrage
eq2 mob:Rear Commander Grokk
EQ2 Item:Explorer's Globe of Norrath
eq2 mob:Thilde Quickloom
EQ2 Quest:The Last Ingredient
Category:Character Traits
EQ2 Quest:Spy Hunter
eq2 mob:a saberfish
EQ2 Mob:a coldain battlepriest
EQ2 Collection:Guide Doodads Series Two
EQ2 Mob:Snarf Frostfoot
eq2 item:Small Ulteran Spire
eq2 mob:Ice Maiden of D'Ina
eq2 mob:an angered glacial scoundrel
EQ2 Item:Barbarian's Tear
EQ2 Quest:Green Mystery
EQ2 Quest:Griffon Stations: Butcherblock
EQ2 Quest:Bearly Recognizable Item
EQ2 Object:Dread Basin Horse Station
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr pathfinder
EQ2 Quest:Girding of Gunuk
eq2 mob:Evigis the Ancient
Tradeskill Quests (EQ2)
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Bad Ice Fishing
eq2 item:Epic Token of E'ci
eq2 item:Mariner's Bell: Island of Mara
EQ2 Collection:Guide Doodads Series Three
EQ2 Collection:Paineel Plumbing
EQ2 Mob:a Ry'Gorr grenadier
EQ2 Object:Antonica World Bell
EQ2 Mob:Bofnur Grayback
EQ2 Object:Sunken City Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Quest:Bear Bottoms
eq2 mob:Belinda MacLellan
eq2 achievement:Nektulos Lover
EQ2 Object:South Qeynos World Bell
EQ2 Object:Commonlands World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Field Testing
EQ2 Item:shipwrecked scavenged torch
EQ2 Mob:a blizzard grizzly cub
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr raider
EQ2 Item:Wool Rug of the Pine Forest
EQ2 Zone:Jarsath Wastes
eq2 mob:a sokokar tamer
EQ2 Object:Butcherblock Mountains Griffon Station
EQ2 Mob:Borya Stonehide
EQ2 Quest:Tackling the Basilisks
eq2 faction:Hammer's Wrath
EQ2 Object:The Stone Hammer
eq2 collection:Halas Hunting
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Hunting Spiders
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 5
EQ2 Object:Neriak World Bell
eq2 quest:Clearing the Eye
eq2 mob:Millgard Sunsknife
EQ2 Zone:Timorous Deep
EQ2 Quest:Intelligence Monitoring
eq2 mob:a lazy Ry'Gorr orc
EQ2 Quest:Abandoned But Not Useless
EQ2 Quest:Pouring One Out for My Skellies
EQ2 Mob:Odhild Goblinblade
eq2 mob:an ice slurry
EQ2 Mob:Orn Iceheart
EQ2 Object:Camp D'Sas Magic Carpet
EQ2 Quest:No Substitute for Shard Work
Qeynos Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
EQ2 Object:Butcherblock Docks Griffon Station
eq2 mob:a large frostbiter
eq2 mob:Blorpisa Bogchild
EQ2 Item:Woven Rug of Prosperity
EQ2 Mob:Gruu Fairbairn
EQ2 Quest:Totem Annihilation
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Mucky Waters
EQ2 Mob:Cordt Metalpatcher
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Drakes in the Steam
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 2
EQ2 Mob:Suhuba Vankedisi
EQ2 Quest:The Glimmer Orc
EQ2 Object:Mages' Study
eq2 item:Band of Grace
EQ2 Quest:Frigid Fishing
eq2 item:row of Bristlebane candles
EQ2 Object:Bitterwind Trench Horse Station
eq2 item:Ally: Ravens of the North
eq2 mob:a large Iceclad manta
EQ2 Item:Title: Scion of Growth
eq2 mob:Fredart Lockloch
EQ2 Quest:Witch One
EQ2 Object:Refuge Horse Station
EQ2 Quest:The Charge
EQ2 Mob:a feeding blizzard grizzly
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 6
EQ2 Mob:Sister Leela Prendyn
EQ2 Mob:a Ry'Gorr infiltrator
eq2 mob:Verner Ormarr
EQ2 Quest:Campside Spores
EQ2 Mob:Trainer Hawk Dunlop
eq2 mob:The Blizzard Grizzly Alpha
EQ2 Quest:Seeking Elemental Education
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr patroller
EQ2 Zone:Queen's Colony
EQ2 Mob:Tova Gilbride
eq2 mob:General Snig Frostfoot
eq2 mob:a clockwork stable master
eq2 mob:Olgwig Fordonald
Freeport Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
EQ2 Object:Frostfang Sea Griffon Station
EQ2 Quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Hulking Undercrawlers
EQ2 Object:Tower Of Vul Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Ravens' Roost
EQ2 Mob:Bork Spelltwiddle
eq2 item:basic coldain crate
EQ2 Mob:Nishant
Battlegrounds (EQ2)
EQ2 Item:Title: Friend of Herga
eq2 mob:Ambassador Brynhilde Maersdottr
EQ2 Mob:Darren Daybreak
EQ2 Quest:Pelted
EQ2 Mob:Dyrunn Goldgrip
Gorowyn Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
EQ2 Quest:Nishant Needs Help
Barbarian (EQ2 Character Race)
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Venom and Flame
eq2 mob:a portal jumped Ry'Gorr raider
EQ2 Mob:Taryn Highsea
EQ2 Object:Tenebrous Tangle Spires
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Urgent Insurgents
EQ2 Object:Port Of Tears Magic Carpet
EQ2 Item:Round Rug of the Eternal Hunt
EQ2 Mob:Sana Strongbellow
eq2 mob:Lieutenant Zax Frostfoot
eq2 item:bear-hunting spear
eq2 item:a broken drain
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Vicious Snapping Jaws
eq2 item:Title: Disciple of Erollisi
EQ2 Mob:Gibrien Marsden
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Stalking and Howling on the Mountain
eq2 mob:Blibba Nugrud
eq2 item:Halasian barrels
EQ2 Quest:Reclaiming Their Honor
eq2 mob:Twiggle the Defiled
EQ2 Object:Qeynos Harbor World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Visual Obfuscation
EQ2 Mob:Ambassador Duryo Valstath
eq2 mob:Oolieamim
EQ2 Quest:Skeletal Eviction
EQ2 Quest:Crustose Removal
EQ2 Item:A sandstone druid ring
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 4
EQ2 Mob:a lounging blizzard grizzly
eq2 item:hanging Halasian coals
EQ2 Quest:This is Nuts!
EQ2 Collection:Guide Doodads Series Five
EQ2 Quest:Something to Nibble On
EQ2 Mob:Agda Donillson
EQ2 Mob:Gilna Glorysong
EQ2 Object:Kylong Plains World Bell
eq2 mob:Audveig Macculloch
EQ2 Mob:Ambassador Zelzekla
EQ2 Mob:Frozen Statue of the Ice Maiden
EQ2 Item:Blessed Sapling
EQ2 Achievement:Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force
EQ2 Object:Enchanted Lands World Bell
EQ2 Item:Spider Puffs
EQ2 Mob:Ambassador Brutus
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Nay Sayers
EQ2 Mob:Glippit Greenmuck
EQ2 Mob:Gatecaller Skullcracker
EQ2 Quest:Lore and Legend: Gruengach
eq2 mob:a velinoid seeker
eq2 item:Blue Odyssey Wool Rug
EQ2 Quest:Geode Caching
EQ2 Quest:Repelling Little Critters
EQ2 Quest:Fewer Orcs to Worry About
EQ2 Mob:Waldhar Stoneback
eq2 mob:Elbar Bluecutter
Category:New Halas City Task Quests
eq2 mob:Grandmaster Cheri Glodsdottr
EQ2 Object:Barren Sky Spires
EQ2 Mob:an icemane cub
EQ2 Mob:a coldain citizen
EQ2 Object:Greenblood River Horse Station
EQ2 Item:Druid Portal Hireling
EQ2 Object:Bridge Of Zek Horse Station
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Noisy Void
EQ2 Mob:Bronla Stonehide
EQ2 Quest:Report to Cragged Spine
eq2 mob:a crustose sporetender
eq2 mob:Thirin Veliumdelver
eq2 item:Carved Wooden Crate
EQ2 Object:The Village Of Shin World Bell
EQ2 Object:Alliz Tae Horse Station
EQ2 Object:Coldwind Hall
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Just Like Clockwork
EQ2 Quest:Little Lost Froglok
EQ2 Item:Kestrel Pot Pie
EQ2 Quest:Path of the Prophet
EQ2 Object:Goblin Pass Horse Station
eq2 mob:a nomadic carpet keeper
EQ2 Quest:The Nightmare is Over
EQ2 Object:Aliz Evol Horse Station
eq2 item:a broken faucet
EQ2 Mob:Jarda Silverstaff
EQ2 Quest:Griffon Egg for the Steppes Tower Stations
EQ2 Object:Temple Street Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Quest:Severing the Head
eq2 mob:Galinda Goodfaith
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr lackey
EQ2 Quest:Through Thine Eyes
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Stonecold Killing
EQ2 Object:Jysolin's Pub Teleport Pad
New Halas Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
EQ2 Item:Ry'Gorr camp pelt
EQ2 Mob:The Inimical Slush
EQ2 Quest:Sundered Simulacrum
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Boneclaws in the Fens
eq2 mob:The Frigid Icemaw
eq2 mob:Bentor the Mighty
EQ2 Object:Loping Plains Travel Disc
EQ2 Mob:Halik Pathstalker
eq2 mob:Frenzied Ice Blade
EQ2 Quest:A Scattering of Ashes
EQ2 Quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Slobberjaw Drudges
EQ2 Object:Feerrott Druid Ring
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Steam on the Rocks
EQ2 Mob:Scion of Belamorte
EQ2 Quest:Sleetfoot Search Party
EQ2 Quest:A Good Distraction
Neriak Betrayal and Citizenship (EQ2)
eq2 mob:Steinvalda Spalewen
EQ2 Object:Longshadow Alley Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Item:Jewel of Growth
EQ2 Item:A gray granite druid ring
eq2 mob:Ambassador V'Nox
EQ2 Quest:Of Fire and Ice: A Codex in Crisis
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: A Forest Full of Thorns
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Grub Picking
EQ2 Zone:Outpost of the Overlord
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Crawling Through the Dust
eq2 item:sturdy Halasian chest
eq2 mob:Tjerodd Caldmont
EQ2 Item:Jewel of the Balance
eq2 item:a refreshing berry
eq2 mob:Sister Aalarya
eq2 mob:Corva Eiskairn
eq2 mob:Torli Blackbow
EQ2 Item:Magic Carpet to Sinking Sands
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr war shaman
eq2 mob:Mastermind Mon'Tagorr
EQ2 Object:Gorowyn Dock Griffon Station
EQ2 Object:Everfrost World Bell
EQ2 Item:Teleportation Spire to the Overrealm
eq2 mob:Gurtha McPherson
EQ2 Object:The Arcanitorium
eq2 item:Mariner's Bell: Shattered Lands
EQ2 Quest:Light the Path for the Pride
eq2 mob:Ottstoffur Glencall
EQ2 Mob:Hilal Bluefoot
EQ2 Object:Pilgrims' Hearth
eq2 mob:Rageclaw
eq2 mob:Wregan Firebeard
eq2 item:a broken pipe
eq2 item:reinforced Halasian chest
EQ2 Zone:The Emerald Halls: Sanctum of Growth
EQ2 Object:Glacierbane's Vault
eq2 mob:Flibbit Quagmarr
eq2 mob:Gerta Frostbeard
EQ2 Quest:Barreling Around
eq2 quest:Mount Stations: Lesser Faydark
EQ2 Object:Commonlands Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Object:Emperor Atreme's Labratory Sokokar Post
EQ2 Quest:A Vision of Valor
eq2 mob:Hrafrun Dunbrayne
eq2 item:Halasian Andiron
EQ2 Quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients
EQ2 Object:Gnomeland Security Travel Disc
EQ2 Quest:Clan of the Cave Imps
EQ2 Object:Moors Of Ykesha World Bell
eq2 mob:Bargan Magicaxe
EQ2 Quest:The Siege is Not Over
eq2 mob:an Iceclad manta
eq2 mob:Glin Hammerhelm
eq2 item:simple Halasian chest
Adorner Daily Tasks (EQ2 Quest Series)
EQ2 Mob:a pirate captain
eq2 mob:Gerla Meltwater
EQ2 Quest:A Hulking Observance
EQ2 Item:plush icemane pelt
EQ2 Object:Dame's Rocket
EQ2 Quest:Weapon of Choice
EQ2 Quest:Fate of the Sentinels
eq2 mob:Ribbit Hopson
EQ2 Object:Bobick Village Horse Station
eq2 mob:Danlaug Glenton
eq2 mob:a deepice miasma
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Reclusive Spiders
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Mad and Glade Hooves
EQ2 Mob:Tergjerd Goreblade
EQ2 Zone:Icy Keep: Retribution
EQ2 Zone:Icy Keep: Retribution
eq2 mob:Firiona Vie
eq2 mob:an aged ice slurry
eq2 mob:Vidkole Thartium
EQ2 Object:The Icy Keep Courtyard
eq2 mob:Wagolfur Linddougall
EQ2 Quest:Roughing Up The Reinforcements
EQ2 Quest:The Icemanes Cometh
eq2 item:Round Rug of the Frigid Waves
EQ2 Quest:Sifting Through the Grizzly Garbage
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 3
eq2 item:Mariner's Bell: Faydwer
EQ2 Quest:Blood Spilled for the Blade Maiden
EQ2 Zone:Greater Faydark
EQ2 Quest:Watch Out Below!
EQ2 Mob:Morag McMarrin
eq2 mob:an aggressive saberfish
EQ2 Quest:Forsaking the Grave
eq2 mob:Londiar Inygad
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Frozen Meal
EQ2 Object:Near Residential Aerie Teleport Pad
EQ2 Quest:Flawless Core Chore
eq2 mob:a primal goremaw
EQ2 Object:Big Bend Bell To Within Freeport
EQ2 Quest:The Will of Kyrtoxxulous
EQ2 Mob:Vald Jerngard
EQ2 Quest:Impish Threats
EQ2 Achievement:Hero of Halas
EQ2 Object:Butcherblock World Bell
Guild Hall Travel Amenities (EQ2)
Guild Hall Travel Amenities (EQ2)
Isle of Refuge (EQ2 Quest Series)
EQ2 Quest:The Ancestors Demand it!
EQ2 Mob:Nariel Aldaeme
EQ2 Quest:'Tis Most Unnatural
EQ2 Item:planar symbol
EQ2 Object:Chrykori Village Griffon Station
EQ2 Quest:Beets the Alternative
EQ2 Mob:Bjarg Ironbeard
eq2 mob:Hilra Firmshield
EQ2 Object:The Icy Forge
Category:Teleport Pads
eq2 mob:Nelbjorg Dunford
eq2 mob:Sharky Davis
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Brittlebones A'rising
EQ2 Quest:Domestication is the New Survivalism
EQ2 Quest:A Grave Name
EQ2 Object:Warship Docks Horse Station
eq2 mob:Largar Lindadder
EQ2 Mob:Lady Vienna Sanditerra
EQ2 Mob:Ornulf Sweettongue
eq2 achievement:Steppes Regular
EQ2 Quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Menacing Overseers
eq2 mob:Sergeant Snur Frostfoot
EQ2 Object:Misty Grove Horse Station
eq2 mob:Nelikka Farlop
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: The Darkest Spiders
eq2 mob:Olgveig Byrculloch
EQ2 Mob:Egin Fireheart
EQ2 Quest:Below the Frozen Waves
eq2 mob:a Ry'Gorr portal caster
eq2 mob:Brogan MacLellan
EQ2 Mob:an iksar commander
EQ2 Object:Darklight Griffon Station
eq2 quest:Desperate Times Mean Desperate Ingredients - Needlebeak Bloodgorgers
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Hungry Waters
EQ2 Item:Female Topiaric Mannequin
eq2 mob:a snow goblin slave
EQ2 Object:Drowning Causeway Horse Station
EQ2 Quest:Ride Upon the Gwenevyn ll
EQ2 Mob:Drallin Caelthis
eq2 item:Coldain's Winter Hood
EQ2 Item:A black granite druid ring
eq2 item:Magic Carpet to Norrath
EQ2 Quest:Arcane Elements
EQ2 Quest:An Unbearable Problem
eq2 item:Valorian Bloom
EQ2 Mob:a gnome observer
eq2 item:Military Adornments Volume 8
eq2 mob:a frenzied Ry'Gorr
EQ2 Item:Ravens of the North negotiator shirt
eq2 mob:a frostbiter
EQ2 Object:Thundering Steppes World Bell
EQ2 Quest:Mount Stations: Greater Faydark
eq2 mob:Arrin Clelland
eq2 mob:a coldbreach snapper
EQ2 Zone:The Sinking Sands
EQ2 Mob:gilded sunfeather falcon
eq2 item:bear trap
EQ2 Object:Far Residential Aerie Teleport Pad
eq2 mob:Froyodor Galland
eq2 mob:Ulfuflr Glenden
Category:World Bells (EQ2)
EQ2 Mob:Shiharra Veldin
EQ2 Object:Timorous Deep World Bell
eq2 quest:Remains of the Slain
eq2 item:Halasian bench
eq2 item:Stone Inlaid Counter
EQ2 Object:Bramblefoot Hills Horse Station
eq2 mob:Alice Swamprunner
eq2 item:Mariner's Bell: Kunark
eq2 item:Halasian hardbound book
EQ2 Quest:Pilgrim Pathfinder
EQ2 Item:wall mounted Halasian weapon rack
EQ2 Item:reinforced coldain crate
eq2 mob:a risen Ry'Gorr
EQ2 Quest:New Halas: Horrors in the Water
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