Signups Now Open for Alganon Beta

Signups for the Alganon beta are now open, and all you need to do for a chance to get a beta key is register for the MyAlganon site and post your forum name in this thread. The team will be working through the list to add players to the beta in the coming days and weeks. According to the first post by Community Manager QOL-Samaxe, the team will "add people each week as beta ramps up."

The private beta is currently under way, and the public test is scheduled to begin in September.

Alganon Roundtable Answers UI Questions

Community Roundtable #17 has been posted on the official Alganon site, and this one focuses on four UI questions that were all submitted by the same forum member.

The entire UI will be customizable, including all fonts and colors. While players won't be able to adjust the core UI, you will be able to use add-ons to modify it. Players will currently have access to four hotbars at launch since the team doesn't want the game to "be a mutli-hotbar click/pressfest."

As far as storage is concerned, you will start with a backpack that has 20 inventory slots and be able to add four more crafted bags, which will reach a maximum size of 22 slots each. Bank, guild and shared storage will also be available.

You can read the full Q&A below.

Alganon Q&A Discusses Consumables, Dual Roles

The Alganon team has once again answered questions posted by community members in Community Roundtable No. 16, and this Q&A covers topics such as consumables, Dual Roles and "powerful magics."

According to the answers, consumables such as food are not required in the game, but they'll give players buffs and speed up healing and focus regeneration. Dual Roles are explained in simple terms; basically each class archetype can have two combat roles. For example, a tank can also be a damage-dealer.

You can read the full Q&A below. Also, in case you missed them, check out our 10 exclusive screenshots from the continent of Harraja.

Ten Exclusive Screenshots

We've just received ten, yes ten new exclusive screenshots from the upcoming MMORPG "Alganon". You might remember an article we ran last month called "The Continent of Harraja". Well, these screenshots are actually a visual continuation of the article in that their all taken in Harraja.

Check out all our exclusive screenshots and make sure to keep your eyes on for beta updates and other fun news.

Alganon Q&A Talks About Altitis, Grinding Rep

The Alganon team has posted its newest Community Roundtable segment, which answers questions submitted by fans. This Q&A focuses on the fact that Alganon "is a living game" designed to "expand and grow."

In response to a question regarding the pain of leveling alts, the team said it hopes that the dual role system, which allows characters to perform two different combat roles, will elminate the need to roll an alt. That said, the team also plans to continue expanding content for all levels, so alts will have new content to explore.

There will be bind on pickup items, but there will also be a token system in place so players can acquire loot through different means. You will have to raise your reputation with various factions, but there will be numerous ways to accomplish this task.

You can read the full Q&A below.

Q&A Discusses UI Mods, Auction House Fees

The Alganon team has answered some questions posted by users on the official forum, and they cover topics ranging from UI mods to auction house fees.

According to the answers, it is "very likely" that players will be able to apply UI modifications to change how their interface looks. There won't be any costume-like clothing at launch, and there are plans to use event-like situations to unlock new content. For example, players may "need to build patronage with a deity to convince them to move mountains and open new zones." And yes, you will have to pay a small percentage of the asking price when using the auction/consignment house.

You can read the full Q&A session below.

Alganon Video Takes Players on Tour of Teldis

The Alganon team has released its latest exploration video, and this one focuses on Teldis, which is located on the continent of Harraja. Teldis will be the second domain you come across once you begin your adventure in Xanjuis Plains.

According to the post, "Teldis was once a land of rolling hills and lush pastures. This pristine landscape has since been transformed by Xukiss followers. Massive plates of obsidian form the foundations on which multi-tiered structures were built, transforming some areas into stone city-scapes. The big sky over Teldis took on a dark purple hue from choking blue-black smoke that occassionally emanates from these crystals. If players had arrived on the shores of Teldis a few years earlier, they would have looked inland towards a beautiful sprawling city of crystal... but things have changed."

If that description intrigues you, then check out the Teldis tour video on the official Alganon Web site.

Alganon World Builder Shows Editing System

The Alganon team has posted a video on its official Web site that could be of interest to any player who's curious to see how an MMO world is actually designed and implemented. In the video, Quest Online CEO David Allen, the creator of Alganon, shows us "the world-building and game creation tools and techonology that serve as the foundation of Alganon."

According to Allen, this is the first time Quest Online has posted a video that shows their editing system. "We have built everything from scratch. This is all ours," Allen said, noting they don't use any third-party tools to edit Alganon.

The video is 13 minutes long and contains a lot of information. Allen shows off both the Alganon environment and character tools, and as Berek says in his post, "he places trees on the ocean and spawns purple people eaters in an obsession to fill the Alganon world with all sorts of surprises."

The Continent of Harraja

Our friends over at Quest Online have give us the privilege to host their ongoing Continents of Alganon series that was previously seen over at RPG Vault. In the latest installment, we get an insiders look at The Continent of Harraja.

The Continent of Harraja

Harraja is home to the Kujix, a group of Talrok who consider themselves to be the chosen of the gods. When the God Vakgarr first created the Talrok, to spread the message of the gods to all of Alganon, they built their temples in the mountains of Xanjuis Plains. In 122 DE, when the first Kujix Emperor Xinjuk Rox united the most powerful Talrok under his command, they united under the banner of the Kujix, and their influence spread across the globe.

For a decade, however, a dark shadow has fallen over the continent. Ten years ago, the best and brightest of the Kujix locked themselves away in the great capital of Xanjuix Karr, to study and prepare for the War of Conversion. Without the presence of the ruling Kujix, much of Harraja has fallen into disarray. The Ogran tribes have lost their way, rebellious new empires of Talrok have begun to form, bandits and thieves have brought trade to a halt, and the mischievous nidgit have infested every corner of Harraja.

Alganon Beta Testers Gather for In-Game Photo-Op

Alganon beta participants recently gathered in Asheran City for an in-game photo opportunity, and they even "rocked the Asheran ale house" after the event. You can view eight screenshots for the festivities here.

The Alganon team is organizing a bigger photo-op this week. You can help them decide where to hold it in this thread on the game's official forums.