EVE Downtime Extended

The EVE team found a database error while updating to Trinity 1.1, which started yesterday. Because of this, the downtime has been extended and Tranquility is supposed to be returned to us at 16:00 GMT (9am PDT/ Noon EDT) barring any issues, however it may be extended once again!

We'll keep you updated as we find out whether there are more issues or we'll be undocking as planned!

[Edit: 3/12/2008
Deployment continues for the Trinity 1.1: Boost Patch
As reported earlier, database issues were discovered during an early point in the process. Those issues required us to go into our backups for data and this restoration and data integrity check have taken longer than originally anticipated. We regret any inconvenience these delays may cause. Our most recent assessment indicates that service may be restored at 02:00 GMT, and we will provide additional updates as often as possible.]

EVE Online Trinity 1.1 Patch on March 11th

Just in case you missed it in the earlier EVE Newsletter post, the trinity patch 1.1 is coming on March 11th.  That's next Tuesday!
Trinity 1.1: The Boost Patch is preparing to fire down the pipe and, if all goes according to plan, you’ll be enjoying this “nerf” free patch and all its astounding content next Tuesday, 11 March. The Boost Patch will improve a number of ship classes, EVE Voice and EVE’s marketplace.

“The Amarr Empire has long boasted about its powerful ships and a fervent willingness to destroy all that opposes them. Finally, the Omen, Zealot and Apocalypse class ships are getting a boost to reflect that devastating potential. However, the ship improvements don't end here. In order to satisfy your lust for carnage, modifications have also come for the Eagle, Moa, Raptor and Ferox class vessels.”
One is always nervous when developers start throwing the word nerf around!

Eve Online Newsletter: Trinity Patch 1.1

EVE Online has put out their new newsletter!

The EVE Universe quaked with the release of EVE Online: Trinity. Now, behold the might of Trinity Patch 1.1. The Amarr Empire has long boasted about its powerful ships and a fervent willingness to destroy all that opposes them. Finally, the Omen, Zealot and Apocalypse class ships are getting a boost to reflect that devastating potential. However, the ship improvements don't end here. In order to satisfy your lust for carnage, modifications have also come for the Eagle, Moa, Raptor and Ferox class vessels. Head to our download page and get the client of your choice.

EVE Voice gets a few vital improvements including Channel Prioritization, which allows fleet commanders priority when speaking to their fleet. The days of muffled voices drowning out each other while vital disseminated information is missed are over. When your commander speaks, all other voices are muted as to not miss anything important.

Lots more to see there, including links to current CCP positions!

EVE Mac Client Review from Macworld

Macworld has done a review of the EVE Online Mac client!

Unfortunately, that new graphics package hadn’t made it to the Mac yet, as this review was written; CCP and TransGaming promised it for Mac users sometime in the first calendar quarter of 2008. So for now, anyway, Mac users are relegated to running EVE “Classic.” Which really doesn’t look bad at all, if you like the cinematic scope of games like Homeworld II, for example.

The Mac version of EVE Online has, frankly, had a bumpy release. EVE veterans who switched to the Mac client immediately noticed that it runs considerably slower than its PC counterpart, for example. TransGaming’s expectation that EVE Mac ran 85 percent of the speed of the native Windows version may hold true for scenes where you’re just flying around, but when you get into serious combat, you can drop into single frame rates.

Read the rest, and find out if CCP has found a winner with the Mac crowd!

EVE:O Offers Assistance for Trinity Patch Issues

In what could only be called the worst expansion launch in the history of MMO's, EVE Online created such issues for their customers as bricked computers (compuetely useless bricks of machinery).  EVE has now offered up a devlog on what happened.

Why do you have a file with the same name as a Windows system startup file? The answer is really "legacy"; it has been like that since 2001 when the file was introduced on the server and later migrated over to the client in 2002, so this file has been with us for over 6 years. We are reviewing all filenames and changing the name of any file that conflicts with Windows.

Why doesn't Windows protect its system startup files? That's a good question, one that I have asked myself in these last few days and wish I knew the answer. But of course I'm not going to blame Microsoft for our mistake. Windows doesn't protect those files and therefore software developers must take care not to touch them. We should have been more careful.

They also opened up fix it page, which includes info on how EVE will help you if you can't restart your computer properly.

EVE Patch Emergency!!!

EVE Online had a major issue with their Trinity update, and here's the news - DO NOT REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER!
If you have Windows AND upgraded EVE Online: Trinity Classic before 4 A.M. GMT to Premium using the content upgrade path then you MUST read this before doing anything else.
  2. Check the root directory of your hard drive and see if you have a boot.ini file. Boot.ini file is normally hidden so you need to click Tools : Folder Options : View and select "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" to be able to see it. You can also check for the presence of this file by clicking Start : Control Panel : System : Advanced : Startup and Recovery : Settings (third button down). Windows will alert you if the boot.ini file is missing.
  3. If boot.ini is still there then you are not affected and do not have to take any further steps.
  4. If boot.ini is NOT there then please click here: FORUM LINK
We have removed the faulty updater so anyone installing the Trinity Expansion now will not be effected.

A new updater will be available shortly.

We apologize profusely for this error and are working on offering more extensive help those that have a non-working Windows PC, so please stay tuned.
Hopefully all of our visitors are safe from this truly atrocious happening!

EVE's Trinity is Tomorrow

EVE Online is launching Trinity tomorrow!  Kieron has this to say:
The time for EVE to evolve from beautiful to gorgeous is approaching! Trinity, EVE Online's newest content expansion, will be deployed on Wednesday 5 December, commencing at 0200 GMT. Tranquility and the EVE forums will be unavailable for the length of the deployment, both are expected to return to service by 0200 GMT on Thursday 6 December.

Trinity is EVE Online's largest expansion to date and centers around a new graphics system. EVE players with DirectX9c and Shader 3 capable graphics cards can choose to upgrade their clients to Trinity's Premium Graphics Content. Players without cards supporting DX9c and Shader 3 technology will play EVE with the Classic Graphics Content, but will be able to upgrade once their system meet the Premium Graphics Content requirements. To see a preview of EVE: Trinity, you can download the 102M HD1080p EVE: Trinity Trailer or the smaller 64M HD720p EVE: Trinity Trailer. Other features may be found on the EVE: Trinity Feature Site.
There's lots of excitement, but a lot of downtime, so head on over to our EVE area with the other pilots, and bring some Quafe!

EVE: Trinity Video Footage

Game Trailers has new footage of EVE: Trinity!
Not only is this expansion packed with new features, but it also includes an amazing - and beautiful - graphics update!
My browser is hating me right now, so I'll post it here for you guys, and check it out as soon as I get it working again!  You can find out more about Trinity right here.

New EVE Online Gear

EVE Online has announced some new phat l00tz for us all!
Opportunity rarely knocks twice. Inevitably, we lose focus only to wake up in a cloning vat. If you missed Fanfest, and want to pick up our killer EVE Online swag, the White Wolf Online Store is at your disposal. Snap out of it pilot! Navigate to the online store for some EVE-centric gear including flash drives, magnets and bottle openers.
A great Christmas present for your friendly neighbhood Minmater (cause we all know Caldari ain't friendly)!

EVE: Council of Stellar Management White Paper

EVE Online has a white paper regarding their Council of Stellar Management.
Ever since our CEO, Hilmar Pétursson, announced the re-emergence of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) last spring we have been working feverishly at trying to make it bigger and better than the earlier version. When it was implemented last time players could volunteer for the CSM and they were then handpicked by us.

What we wish to do is to take this to a new level and let you the players elect representatives to the CSM. The CSM will then act as an official conduit for your comments and requests, as a community, enhancing greatly your ability to express your concerns and prioritize the matters you believe are most important at the time. The white paper presented here is by no means a finished paper, changes and updates will be made to it when more feedback gets in. We have already changed our ideas on some key fronts based on the feedback we got at Fanfest this year, the biggest change being that this is no longer considered an implementation of ‘Democracy’, as that word has so many and different meanings to different people that it would be the cause of a lot of misunderstandings.

You can check out the paper and then tell us what you think!